Yigeren wrote:
I've always been in the middle, because I make up my mind about things rather than going along with what everyone else believes. So my beliefs fall on both sides, depending on what I feel is rational.
I hate politics and politicians. I don't think the majority care one bit about what's best for the people.
Holding views that fall strongly on one end of the political spectrum doesn't mean a person is sheepishly following along.
Most people are pretty middle-of-the-road. Most people who lean one way can hold views that don't agree with what a person is "supposed to" in that position. It's not abnormal for example to have a liberal who doesn't think more gun control is needed or a conservative who thinks it is. In fact it's quite common.
So I'd say you're in a perfectly fine place!
Not where I am, but you've got to do you.
JoeyFlash wrote:
I'm pretty Conservative/libertarian, but I'm cool with anybody as long as they aren't obnoxious or ignorant or both. Hey! Personal liberty and freedom for all, amiright???
Sure, but there's some very strong disagreements on what those things are.
Yes, I have autism. No, it isn't "part of me". Yes, I hate my autism. No, I don't hate myself.