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22 Apr 2008, 9:45 pm

lau wrote:
Indeed. Prophecies. Fulfilled, none. Being fulfilled, none. About to be fulfilled, none. Clean record.

But but but come on man profitsie, its foretold the toeheaded guy with feet of clay and a cameltoe....awwsh** your going to hell lau :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


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22 Apr 2008, 9:48 pm

Greyhound wrote:
And before someone mentions that the Bible is a load of fairytales, please first study the prophecies which have been fulfilled and are being fulfilled (and are about to be fulfilled).


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22 Apr 2008, 9:50 pm

morning_after wrote:
Odin wrote:
slowmutant wrote:
Atheism is to nihilism what exotic dancer is to crack-whore. It's not a big reach.

Your bigotry is showing. I am a perfectly moral person, thank you very much. I don't need the fear of eternal damnation to be a good person. Atheism is simply the lack of (a-) the belief in a divinity (-theism), no other philosophical positions are implied.

But what is good? If we judge it based on other men, we would all be good.

Ask the liar, he'll say he's good because he's not a thief.

A thief would say he's good because he's not a murder.

The murderer would say he's good cause at least he's not a rapist.

The rapist would say he's could because at least he did not lie.

See, in order to tell what is really "good" we need to have something that gives us an objective view of what "good" is.

People do not want to suffer, and thus one should act in such a way that minimizes suffering.

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22 Apr 2008, 9:55 pm

morning_after wrote:
t0 wrote:
morning_after wrote:
But what is good? If we judge it based on other men, we would all be good.
See, in order to tell what is really "good" we need to have something that gives us an objective view of what "good" is.

If the God(s) would reveal themselves to me and give me the objective view of what "good" is, I would follow it. Instead, I am left with two choices: believe other peoples' interpretations of what is good, or believe my own gut feeling.

I choose the latter.

But what if they have, and it's in the bible?

How do you know it's in the Bible and not the Koran, or Buddhist or Hindu Scriptures? Every religion says they are right and look for cherry-picked "evidence" or bit of circular reasoning to show that they are "right."

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23 Apr 2008, 12:34 am

But what if it IS in the bible?

And you're earlier post is not always true. Sometimes there are people that like pain.

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23 Apr 2008, 1:47 am

geez this religious crap is a complete joke, no god made us as a aspie, I believe in science more then anything and the science of aspergers/autism points to genetics and physcology. religion and so called gods are completely a joke. if you can give me scientific proof that religion is aspergers then i'll believe it, but the chances of that is 0! cause religion or a god does not exist in my views and opinion.


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23 Apr 2008, 8:13 am

morning_after wrote:
But what if it IS in the bible?

And what if I started defecating golden eggs? :roll:

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23 Apr 2008, 8:13 am

Odin wrote:
Greyhound wrote:
And before someone mentions that the Bible is a load of fairytales, please first study the prophecies which have been fulfilled and are being fulfilled (and are about to be fulfilled).


Wow. Articulate :roll:

I don't have Aspergers, I'm just socially inept

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23 Apr 2008, 9:39 am

I'm not religious because if you go with the wrong religion you still end up in hell burning for eternity, so which one is the right one who knows,
I don't

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23 Apr 2008, 10:09 am

morning_after wrote:
But what if it IS in the bible?

The bible is a large book. There are several denominations that use the bible and interpret it differently. If the answer is in the bible, which denominations have found the right answer?

For example, I like the ten commandments. Very easy to understand and they seem to be black and white. But the various denominations can't even agree as to what constitutes each commandment. See for their chart. If the various denominations can't agree as to what text constitutes "commandment #1", how can an ordinary person figure out what to believe?


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23 Apr 2008, 11:08 am

Fascinating link. I didn't realise (or, probably, remember) that the ten commandments approve of slavery.

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23 Apr 2008, 11:53 am

And how about that Abraham? Sending Hagar and Ishmael, HIS SON, away. What a swell guy, lets give him a father of the year award. Gen. chapter 21.

Of course Yahweh himself had quite a sense of humor. That joke that he played on Abraham, letting him think that he had to sacrifice his son! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Gen. chapter 22. Yeah, that was a real Knee slapper. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

How many modern deadbeat dads get the honors afforded to Abraham? Not too many I would venture to guess.

Any defenses that get raised for Abraham's defense, at their core, will be Might Is Right! Yahweh is that He is. And he gets to piss where he wants, on who he wants.


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23 Apr 2008, 2:15 pm

Answer the question! topic

The answer is No. And belittling others' beliefs is callous. If I want to believe in the powers of little green men, or women, or golden-egg-defecating Odins, that is no one else's business.

Religious or not, no one is going to change their minds based on these weak arguments.

Phunny Phorum, all right. :P

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23 Apr 2008, 2:45 pm

What weak arguments?

1) Based on his treatment of Ishmael, was Abraham a good father?

2) Granted that Yahweh's demand that Isaac be sacrificed was not presented as a joke in the Bible, was it any less of a cruel , callous act? Is it okay to lampoon tyrants?

3) The Christian side is free to tell me that I am going to Hell. This has never caused me to break down and cry. I seriously doubt that any of my posts have caused them to cry either.


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23 Apr 2008, 3:09 pm

sartresue wrote:
The answer is No. And belittling others' beliefs is callous.

If religious people are offended by reason that is their problem, not mine. Believing in God is epistemologically to be equivalent to believing in invisible pink unicorns on the far side of the moon. The only reason criticizing religious beliefs is treated as "bad" and criticizing people who believe in magical unicorns isn't is because of the former breaks what is basically a criticism-stifling taboo. Daniel Dennett talks about this to a significant extent in his book Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon.

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23 Apr 2008, 4:09 pm

velodog wrote:
What weak arguments?

1) Based on his treatment of Ishmael, was Abraham a good father?

2) Granted that Yahweh's demand that Isaac be sacrificed was not presented as a joke in the Bible, was it any less of a cruel , callous act? Is it okay to lampoon tyrants?

3) The Christian side is free to tell me that I am going to Hell. This has never caused me to break down and cry. I seriously doubt that any of my posts have caused them to cry either.

Nitpick arguments topic

Ah science vs religion. It is like arguing apples and oranges, or Aspies vs NTs. You are starting from different premises. No fundamentalist is going to be swayed by your reasoning. It ain't gonna happen. They will believe what they want. And that is their right. Period. As it is your right to believe or reason or what ever it is you do.

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