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Should we work with Autism Speaks to promote positive images of autism?
Poll ended at 16 Apr 2008, 1:47 am
Yes! This isn't about spite. Any chance to get a positive message across is good. (Besides, if they back out now it will prove to everyone how they really feel.) 40%  40%  [ 36 ]
Not sure... (If this is your answer, please explain why in a Reply Post.) 13%  13%  [ 12 ]
No way! We don't want to make them look like they care while they are still working for a "cure". It's more important that people know we disapprove of their policies. 46%  46%  [ 41 ]
Total votes : 89


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04 May 2008, 7:05 pm

I'll have to agree. If they are really willing to work with us we shouldn't have to agree with them.

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05 May 2008, 12:35 pm

I think, just, be aware of the rule of reciprocity which they might think will come into play: ... cleid=1341


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05 May 2008, 8:02 pm

Maybe they want to give themselves a better reputation among us.

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06 May 2008, 10:25 am

autistican_beauty wrote:
I say yes. No progress can be made without communication and compromise.

I will extend Speckles words to my opinion. If we as Aspies and NT's are EVER going to come together, it must be done with respect. The anger and attacks have to stop.

I agree about respect but if you think Autism Speaks respects us, you are kidding yourself. As long as they fund genocide there is no respect. What they want are asking us to do is give them credibility to eliminate autism, not because they respect us but because they are hearing the criticism that they do not represent autistics. if we provide material for their site, they can say they have the support of autistics. I am so amazed that people are agreeing to support genocide. Why don't we all just line up meekly for the gas chamber and save society the bother of fundraising for legal elimination? Jeez, maybe we deserve to be eliminated. We are dumber than cows. They don't happily hop onto the abattoir trucks, thanking the driver for the offer of a free ride to oblivion.


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12 May 2008, 2:43 pm

morning_after wrote:
alex wrote:
Here's the video:


Alex, did you feel like they lied to you at all? You were there and I wasn't.

I think the question sounds genuine, and that they would like to see it.

In my public speaking and debate experiences, they parry you at the end.

I think the argument that curing all autism spectrum is bader than helping low functioning bracket. However, there is no real way to target specific spectrum for "cure" therefore it is pointless to go further in the global research.

This argument would have a "I agree" or some kind of statement from Wright to rebuttal.

They did made a neutral statement with a negative comparison that it April and it Autism Awareness.

I wished I was with you Alex, I would have do some speaking too since public speaking is my expertise. However, this plane cost and a 5 mins speech probably not worth it unless I was truly a wealthy lobbyist.