The topic of this thread is supposed to be on the school and the mistreatment of the students there. However, there can be some leverage I guess in bringing Hitler into this since some are comparing the school's techniques to Hitler's techniques of opression.
Since Hitler is gone, there is no way for sure to diagnose him. But, if what is written about his personal life is accurate, we might come close. The only caution is that Hitler often staged things. So when we see him in the public and in privacy, the photos were often staged for propaganda purposes. Anyway, here are the theories:
*Borderline Personality Disorder---believed by researcher Waite who believed Hitler was in full control of himself.
*Schizophrenia---proposed by many researchers who claim he was delusional and hallucinating during the latter years of his life.
*Psychoses in a Narcissistic Personality---believed by many since he was unable to be confronted with reality. As for the narcissism, many believe he definitely had narcissism---I think most of us have little difficulty in seeing this in him. His use of methamphetamine could also have led to psychotic episodes.
*Asperger's Syndrome---believed by researcher Michael Fitzgerald since Hitler had fixated interests, lack of apparent empathy, one-sided conversations, lack of reprocity, withdrawn and friendless, etc. It is interesting to note that he had a portrait of Henry Ford near his desk, and Ford has been considered by some to have had AS/autism.
The problem with diagnosing Hitler is the fact that he staged so much as to what was seen. His unusual facial gestures and stares were rehearsed under the guidance of a master magician in Germany. As for lacking friends, I think it is safe to say he was somebody that a lot of us might not want to get near. What I see as not fitting Asperger's Syndrome in Hitler is that he did have the ability to influence many people to follow him---his leadership skills were effective. We with AS/autism are typically a bit challenged when it comes to influencing others to follow us. Hitler believed strongly in the supernatural. He believed that he was the reincarnation of a medieval knight. He relied heavily on occultists to guide him. Typically, we with AS/autism are more fact based and dismiss the supernatural (not all, but most). With Hitler's drug use, very probable delusional thoughts, and narcissistic personality, the claim of AS is difficult to make. But it is possible he had AS. But I think if he did have AS, it was accompanied by other conditions.
Ok...back to the topic of the school.
"My journey has just begun."