Acedia wrote:
Personally I find it hard to read people, so for me my affective empathy is poor.
No worries, Acedia -- I was hoping to be more clear, but the research on the dual aspects of empathy is fairly new. Also, i think like all things concerning autism, it's up to each of us to figure out where we're at -- or not, if a person doesn't wanna. Suffice it to say, I'm at a place where I reject the idea that I neither have emotions nor register others' (I have affective empathy) while I wholeheartedly accept the idea that I do not understand what those emotions are about (low cognitive empathy). Toward this end, I think we could use an updated EQ test, one that reflects both affective empathy and cognitive empathy.
Meanwhile, gonewild, I love the part where you say, "unless you believe that emotions are supernatural, which I'm sure many social people believe." I'm pretty sure you meant it humorously, and I laughed out loud! Hahahahaha!