How I understand neurodiversity...
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As I mentioned in another thread it think it for the most part would eliminate it. Most are not going to want to help people who choose to be that way with the possible exception of treatments for factious disorder which is how refusing a cure would be viewed.
Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity
“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman
It fascinates me how people seem to believe the autism cure would fix all the issues...
Just like antidepressants won't make you less lonely...
Just like anti anxiety drugs won't fix your messed up relationship with your toxic parent...
"Autism cure", if ever invented, whatever it would be, would not solve any of those problems, it would not cure any coexisting disability, it would not remove struggles from your life, it would not make you an inherently happy person.
Let's not confuse being normal with being mentally healthy.
<not moderating PPR stuff concerning East Europe>
All these people have / had options and despite any hardships could live independently with some dignity as human adults on the planet, black people for example (after slavery of course) still had jobs started families and had fun among each other despite white prejudice. Gay people could just stay in the closet, make excuses for not marrying or immigrate to somewhere else that didn't care as much. The majority of autistic people have serious disabilities preventing any options this is why autism or any other disability can never be just another identity.
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends upon the unreasonable man."
- George Bernie Shaw
Joined: 25 Aug 2013
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The thinking would be if ASD is not bad enough to need a cure why should hardworking taxpayers who have problems of their own, employers, and insurance companies finance your problems. The thinking would be you have a chance to fix your disease, you refuse, f**k you.
Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity
“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman
All these people have / had options and despite any hardships could live independently with some dignity as human adults on the planet, black people for example (after slavery of course) still had jobs started families and had fun among each other despite white prejudice. Gay people could just stay in the closet, make excuses for not marrying or immigrate to somewhere else that didn't care as much. The majority of autistic people have serious disabilities preventing any options this is why autism or any other disability can never be just another identity.
Forever gone
Sorry I ever joined
Joined: 25 Aug 2013
Age: 67
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Location: Long Island, New York
All these people have / had options and despite any hardships could live independently with some dignity as human adults on the planet, black people for example (after slavery of course) still had jobs started families and had fun among each other despite white prejudice. Gay people could just stay in the closet, make excuses for not marrying or immigrate to somewhere else that didn't care as much. The majority of autistic people have serious disabilities preventing any options this is why autism or any other disability can never be just another identity.
Living in the closet is not easy there is always fear of getting caught, the more you mask the more tired you get the easier it is to slip. You had two options, not satisfy your natural urges or risk arrest and complete exclusion because acting on your natural urges was against the law.
Even today if you are black you have to worry about being stopped or worse by police for doing normal everyday activities. While some blacks got jobs many could not due to discrimination and if they did they had to work three times as hard to keep the job. Being black means people noticeably getting tense or even move across the street when you innocently walk by.
I think not all but a significant amount of what is preventing autistics from functioning in society normally is not direct autism caused impairments but how autistic traits are viewed by most people.
In order to change outside perceptions and prevent maltreatment autistic rights organizations were formed. In order to form them the founders had to identify themselves as autistic in some way.
Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity
“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman
Ive copied an artice from Dr. Manuel Casanova a neurologist who has researched autism, his view on ND. The link to the original article is here also. ... oundation/
Neurodiversity is a movement that offers a perspective about autism that differs from that espoused by the medical profession. The ideology seems rooted in the anti-psychiatry movement ( see ) that claimed that many psychiatric disorders were constructs of the medical profession but otherwise fell within the normal range of human behaviors.
The offshoot of the antipsychiatry movement, neurodiversity, claims that autism falls within the normal variability intervals of the human genome/connectome (the blueprint of white matter connectivity). The term is attributed to an Australian sociologist by the name of Judy Singer, herself diagnosed within the spectrum and also having a child on the spectrum. Neurodiversity had initially the good intention of avoiding terms with negative connotations (e.g., disorder, disability) that prejudged and demeaned affected individuals. The use of negative terms pathologized autism and ultimately insulted the sensitivities of many autistic individuals who clearly understood the nuances of medical verbiage. Self-advocacy groups, primarily from within the Aspie community, took advantage of the popularity of the neurodiversity movement in order to challenge the conventional thinking that autism needed to be cured. In effect, many high functioning autistic individuals, such as Temple Grandin, do not regret being autistic and, in fact, consider it a gift. This has lead to endless philosophising as to whether we should try to “cure” autism or better focus our efforts on acceptance and accommodations ( ).
The neurodiversity movement calls into question whether higher functioning autistic individuals are representative of the autistic population at large. Would proponents of neurodiversity feel the same way if riddled with seizures, self-injurious behaviors, or tremendously diminished cognitive processing? Would they try to find a cure if suffering with any of the aforementioned handicaps? Curiously, some people from within the neurodiversity movement would hold steadfast to their beliefs. According to some neurodiversity proponents autism is caused by outside (environmental) exigencies and taking them out of the picture would promote a cure for autism.
It is difficult to argue with people who base their opinion on philosophical perspectives and know very little about brain functioning.Most of their arguments shift the onus of a scientific debate to discussing the meaning of words rather than facts. These arguments portray wishful thinking rather than the analysis of available evidence. Overall, neurodiversity flies in the face of present day scientific knowledge that firmly places autism within the spectrum of neurodevelopmental conditions.
Curiously some of the evidence in favor of neurodiversity has been provided by my own work (see ). I have argued in several articles that there is a ratio of short to long connections joining different parts of the cortex that help define cognitive styles. At one end of the spectrum you have people with supernumerary short connections at the expense of longer ones who show an “autistic cognitive style”. The latter is manifested as being quite concrete and mentally inflexible but excelling at functions that can be performed within a given brain parcellation (embedded block design, finding Waldo within a picture). At the other tail end of the connectivity spectrum we have people that manifest supernumerary long connections at the expense of shorter ones. These people usually exhibit a cognitive style characteristic of dyslexics/attention deficit disorders. They excel at synthesizing and are the prototype of the absent-minded professor; they see the forest but loose sight of the tree. These observations are meant to help explain differences in cognitive or thinking styles, that is, the way people perceive or remember information. This is what many people within the neurodiversity movement try to defend. They are clearly satisfied with their way of thinking and see attempts at changing the same as menticide (mental genocide). However understandable is their feeling of being threatened nobody is trying to change the way they think. Divergent thinkers always add to society and probably account for its advancement (see Thomas West, “Thinking Like Einstein).
Let me go back to the subject of pathology. Some of the early neuroimaging series of autistic individuals uncovered significant portions of the brain as having unidentified bright objects or UBO’s in their scans. It is now known that UBO’s represent a migratory defect where large cluster of cells become arrested and never reach their final destinations. Higher resolution studies using postmortem material have shown that these islands of malpositioned cells are found in some 75% of patients. (Wegiel et al., 2012) (figure 1). If considered alone, the presence of single cells may actually cloud the boundary between the gray and white matter making the same indistinct (figure 2). When quantitative methods are applied this abnormality may be present in all autistic patients.
Figure 1. (Double click on the picture for a larger image). It is said that one picture is worth a thousand words.The different panels (taken from Wegiel et al., 2010) illustrate cross sections of brain tissue in different autistic individuals. Each one illustrate how islands of migrating neurons (heterotopias) fail to reach their final destination and settle midstream. This is akin to having a hernia (i.e., a protrusion of an organ where it should not be). The findings are of importance for many reasons. First, these cell clusters are seen in all brain regions (e.g. frontal lobe in panel a, cerebellum in panel f) and clearly illustrate a disorder of neuronal migration. Although the final result may be an insidious malformation of the cortex (e.g., abnormally constructed cortical modules or minicolumns) and differences in brain connectivity, they are still the result of pathology. There are no grey boundaries here between normal and abnormal. These clusters and resultant malformations are clearly abnormal. Second, all of the previously described abnormalities occur during brain development, while cells are migrating to form the cerebral cortex. They are thus present and hardwired by the time a patient is born. Although postnatal event could, under certain circumstances, trigger expression of symptoms, the underlying defect is present from birth. Third, proposed causative insults should be able to explain the presence of this pathology. In this regard, mercury, could be excluded from the potential list of inciting agents. The pathology of mercury is well known and does not explain observed findings in the brains of autistic individuals (see ... t-mercury/ ). Lastly, these findings are of importance because of their explanatory powers. Their presence along with resultant cortical malformations can easily explain the presence of multifocal seizures and sensory abnormalities in autism. The fact that these abnormalities differ by location and severity also help explain the clinical heterogeneity of autism.
Figure 2. Computer generated binary images each black dot representing the position of cells cells within the cerebral cortex. The upper panel is that of a neurotypical individual and the one at the bottom for a person within the autism spectrum. The sigmoid function generated by a computer demarcates the boundary in-between the grey and white matter of the brain. The white matter immediately beneath the cortex of autistic individuals contain many more neurons than that of neurotypicals.
I think neurodiversity arose from the need of humans to believe themselves to be special. Several people have often used the quote that we think of ourselves as fallen angels rather than risen apes. For me that seems to be a human right. I also believe in many of the positive aspects of neurodiversity. However, I do not believe in the minority faction of neurodiversity bent on imposing their ideas over those of others, especially when they are based on a shaky scientific foundation. In the last few paragraphs I have tried to illustrate a clear-cut migrational abnormality for neurons in autism. This is something that anybody postulating a cause for autism will have to explain, be it mercury, immunological abnormalities, high oxidative load, or gene mutations. Valid arguments have to incorporate scientific knowledge (just ask the Dalai Lama about his conviction in neuroscience).
In a future blog I will talk about how we can put all of these findings together and what may be causing them.
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends upon the unreasonable man."
- George Bernie Shaw
When everybody has finished that here`s another article from award winning Dr. Manuel Casanova neurologist on ND:
Here`s the link: ... -of-trust/
In the midst of a not-so rationalist society the learned elite of autistic individuals, the few, have launched a reformation movement that has been conveyed primarily through autobiographical accounts and the public media. On my part I am sure that autobiographical accounts are usually biased and that science by press release is not acceptable evidence for anything. Written evidence after all needs to be communicated and the majority of autistic individuals exhibit language/communication impairments. Thus the records that we have at present on neurodiversity are the records of an elite, those that stand at the top.
One of the curious struggles within the autism community has been the misrepresentation of opinions of the pro-neurodiversity elite as being representative of those at the bottom. Neurodiversity allows you to see and experience autism through dark and hazy tinted glasses. To those participants in the neurodiversity movement the ancient Greek aphorism “Know Thyself” has been transfixed as portraying a battle against the hostility of the world and the terror or anxiety that modern medicine conveys to them. Instead of surrendering to facts they instead feel empowered to claim not normality but superiority. They escape from reality to an ephemeral world for which they boast but can’t prove. They have replaced reality with a philosophical construct moving from deductive reasoning to inductive reasoning and their horizons do not extend beyond this mental construct.
The neurodiversity movement coveys no oceanic feeling (a term popularized by Freud) or feeling of an autism world beyond them. They define themselves as defenders of autism and with the emergence of the Internet they have found virtual reverberations as to their thought process. This has been a rather violent movement whose main intent has been to overpower the thinking process of the autistic community by a few anointed ones who claim sacred knowledge of medicine by the sake of their diagnosis. The only thing they have accomplished is the creation of a split in the autism community that allows for themselves and nobody else.
Neurodiversity is a catastrophic movement for autistic individuals in general. It is reminiscent of the early religious accounts of Jewish people claiming the existence of a Messiah who would take them out of oppression, out of slavery, and restore their rightful life in society. Are they “The Last of the Just”? What gives them the right to carry the weight of the autistic community on their shoulders? By claiming that autism is not a pain or a handicap to some do they change medicine? Do they erase the existence of seizures, mood disorders, impaired attention, learning difficulties, or sensory abnormalities in a majority of autistic individuals?
Michel Foucault, a social theorist, described how Europe started monitoring itself and society with the institution of mad houses or asylums, with those who inhabited the same serving to entertain the visits of the higher classes. In the neurodiversity movement the elite few use the ones at the bottom for their own entertainment. Neurodiversity is a social club where many of its participants are non-autistic individuals claiming to be autistics. For those within the neurodiversity movement who are truly autistic, it empowers them, gives them control of chaos, because once having been considered by society as having a disease or disorder they now feel authorized to establish a contrarian course of action.
Neurodiversity is a world of excesses, ruled by black and white principles. They call for a strict interpretation of what is autism and how autistic individuals should live. Carry with you a portfolio and get a job! You have special skills- use them! Do they believe that an inability to get or hold a job infers a flaw in that person’s character? In effect, many of the points of the neurodiversity movement are made for theatrical rather than just reasons. These people who once felt marginalized by society now occupy center stage. Now they “confess” to have superior powers and instill fear on those they believe used to question or control them. In this way they appeal to the imagination, a conflagration between half-truths and reality. Rationality is set aside and meaning is attained only in their own minds.
Unfortunately the leaders of neurodiversity movement have been given power and representation in regulating bodies thus taking away the ability to take action on pressing issues. They do so because they have popular support stemming from both movies, like Rainman, and the layman press. In this regard we are all complicit. So they take away the possibility of doing research on sensory issues and/or treatment trials (e.g., seizures) leaving the most vulnerable autistics as their target. We therefore have to take a closer look at the victims of this movement, those who literally can’t speak for themselves.
Neurodiversity is a reformation against the orthodoxy of medicine. It is an awakening caused by suffering. Some time ago they would have been labeled as eccentrics or reactionaries. However, there is a duality to the world that needs to be accepted. Taking a decision or arriving at a position is an iterative process of choice and action. Ideas and concept may evolve depending on how we communicate with others.
Unfortunately autistic individuals within the neurodiversity movement have an impairment of communal sense making. The idea of continually reassessing a situation with others and the environment may take longer to process and in this regard a common mental map does not emerge or may be fragmented. There is no collective mind but rather impaired situational awareness. In a team environment decisions may be made primarily by trust and this is what is lacking in the neurodiversity movement.
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends upon the unreasonable man."
- George Bernie Shaw
Joined: 25 Aug 2013
Age: 67
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Location: Long Island, New York ... oundation/
Would proponents of neurodiversity feel the same way if riddled with seizures, self-injurious behaviors, or tremendously diminished cognitive processing? Would they try to find a cure if suffering with any of the aforementioned handicaps? .
This raises a larger question of whether the most common inhibiting aspects associated with autism are autistic traits or separate co-ocurring conditions. There is precedent for scientific consensus to change in this regard. Up until the DSM5 sensory sensitivities was considered a co morbid now it is considered a diagnostic trait. If epilepsy, intellectual disability, depression, anxiety, GI issues, executive dysfunction considered common autism co morbids are directly caused by autism then autism is truly the horrible pathology many anti-ND claim it is. I sometimes wonder if the claim that so and so if a comorbid is a convenient way of saying an impairment has nothing to do with autism and a way for scientists to explain something they don't know the answer to.
How do you prove something like depression is 1. An Autistic trait 2. Caused by Autistic traits. 3. Caused by the negative consequences of being different 4. A combination of the above?
Without answers to this question I can't see how the "Autism Wars" can end because it will all be theories based on ones life experience.
Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity
“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman
Joined: 25 Aug 2013
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Here`s the link: ... -of-trust/
In the midst of a not-so rationalist society the learned elite of autistic individuals, the few, have launched a reformation movement that has been conveyed primarily through autobiographical accounts and the public media. On my part I am sure that autobiographical accounts are usually biased and that science by press release is not acceptable evidence for anything. Written evidence after all needs to be communicated and the majority of autistic individuals exhibit language/communication impairments. Thus the records that we have at present on neurodiversity are the records of an elite, those that stand at the top.
One of the curious struggles within the autism community has been the misrepresentation of opinions of the pro-neurodiversity elite as being representative of those at the bottom. Neurodiversity allows you to see and experience autism through dark and hazy tinted glasses. To those participants in the neurodiversity movement the ancient Greek aphorism “Know Thyself” has been transfixed as portraying a battle against the hostility of the world and the terror or anxiety that modern medicine conveys to them. Instead of surrendering to facts they instead feel empowered to claim not normality but superiority. They escape from reality to an ephemeral world for which they boast but can’t prove. They have replaced reality with a philosophical construct moving from deductive reasoning to inductive reasoning and their horizons do not extend beyond this mental construct.
The neurodiversity movement coveys no oceanic feeling (a term popularized by Freud) or feeling of an autism world beyond them. They define themselves as defenders of autism and with the emergence of the Internet they have found virtual reverberations as to their thought process. This has been a rather violent movement whose main intent has been to overpower the thinking process of the autistic community by a few anointed ones who claim sacred knowledge of medicine by the sake of their diagnosis. The only thing they have accomplished is the creation of a split in the autism community that allows for themselves and nobody else.
Neurodiversity is a catastrophic movement for autistic individuals in general. It is reminiscent of the early religious accounts of Jewish people claiming the existence of a Messiah who would take them out of oppression, out of slavery, and restore their rightful life in society. Are they “The Last of the Just”? What gives them the right to carry the weight of the autistic community on their shoulders? By claiming that autism is not a pain or a handicap to some do they change medicine? Do they erase the existence of seizures, mood disorders, impaired attention, learning difficulties, or sensory abnormalities in a majority of autistic individuals?
Michel Foucault, a social theorist, described how Europe started monitoring itself and society with the institution of mad houses or asylums, with those who inhabited the same serving to entertain the visits of the higher classes. In the neurodiversity movement the elite few use the ones at the bottom for their own entertainment. Neurodiversity is a social club where many of its participants are non-autistic individuals claiming to be autistics. For those within the neurodiversity movement who are truly autistic, it empowers them, gives them control of chaos, because once having been considered by society as having a disease or disorder they now feel authorized to establish a contrarian course of action.
Neurodiversity is a world of excesses, ruled by black and white principles. They call for a strict interpretation of what is autism and how autistic individuals should live. Carry with you a portfolio and get a job! You have special skills- use them! Do they believe that an inability to get or hold a job infers a flaw in that person’s character? In effect, many of the points of the neurodiversity movement are made for theatrical rather than just reasons. These people who once felt marginalized by society now occupy center stage. Now they “confess” to have superior powers and instill fear on those they believe used to question or control them. In this way they appeal to the imagination, a conflagration between half-truths and reality. Rationality is set aside and meaning is attained only in their own minds.
Unfortunately the leaders of neurodiversity movement have been given power and representation in regulating bodies thus taking away the ability to take action on pressing issues. They do so because they have popular support stemming from both movies, like Rainman, and the layman press. In this regard we are all complicit. So they take away the possibility of doing research on sensory issues and/or treatment trials (e.g., seizures) leaving the most vulnerable autistics as their target. We therefore have to take a closer look at the victims of this movement, those who literally can’t speak for themselves.
Neurodiversity is a reformation against the orthodoxy of medicine. It is an awakening caused by suffering. Some time ago they would have been labeled as eccentrics or reactionaries. However, there is a duality to the world that needs to be accepted. Taking a decision or arriving at a position is an iterative process of choice and action. Ideas and concept may evolve depending on how we communicate with others.
Unfortunately autistic individuals within the neurodiversity movement have an impairment of communal sense making. The idea of continually reassessing a situation with others and the environment may take longer to process and in this regard a common mental map does not emerge or may be fragmented. There is no collective mind but rather impaired situational awareness. In a team environment decisions may be made primarily by trust and this is what is lacking in the neurodiversity movement.
Again why do NT's the predominant group of people who have defined autism have more if not all of the rights to speak for autistics who can not speak for themselves?
Ok where is the proof that the core behind the ND movement are NT's falsely claiming to be autistic and deluded autistics and that the majority of ND supporters are elitists or supremacists that are entertained by severe autistics? The guy is a scientist, but he is throwing around slanders based on his stereotypes. Reminiscent of the near universal scientific belief that autism was caused by "refrigerator mothers" a half century ago.
Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity
“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman
This. I'm sure in some cases it is true and in these cases trying to "cure autism" may divert the attention from treating one's actual conditions.
In some other cases it might be not as simple. I don't know the ratio. I haven't seen the topic adequately explored. I would love to.
Let's not confuse being normal with being mentally healthy.
<not moderating PPR stuff concerning East Europe>
The existing treatments for social anxiety I know of:
a) anti-anxiety drugs
Pros: work instantly, no effort required
Cons: work short-term, have serious side effects, addictive.
b) thorough psychotherapy
Pros: can solve the problem long term, healthy
Cons: slow, require a good therapist, a lot of hard work and enormous courage to face the demons you fear the most.
Living in the Bible Belt automatically undoes both of those avenues.
The existing treatments for social anxiety I know of:
a) anti-anxiety drugs
Pros: work instantly, no effort required
Cons: work short-term, have serious side effects, addictive.
b) thorough psychotherapy
Pros: can solve the problem long term, healthy
Cons: slow, require a good therapist, a lot of hard work and enormous courage to face the demons you fear the most.
Living in the Bible Belt automatically undoes both of those avenues.
Don't you have medical services in the Bible Belt or something?
Let's not confuse being normal with being mentally healthy.
<not moderating PPR stuff concerning East Europe>
The existing treatments for social anxiety I know of:
a) anti-anxiety drugs
Pros: work instantly, no effort required
Cons: work short-term, have serious side effects, addictive.
b) thorough psychotherapy
Pros: can solve the problem long term, healthy
Cons: slow, require a good therapist, a lot of hard work and enormous courage to face the demons you fear the most.
Living in the Bible Belt automatically undoes both of those avenues.
Don't you have medical services in the Bible Belt or something?
There are but both psychiatry and psychology are frowned upon by stupid rednecks and Bible thumpers.
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