Fnord wrote:
Evolution works only when genetic changes provide an advantage to reproductive success. People with autism often complain about being involuntarily celibate. Therefore, Autism provides no advantage to reproductive success. Personally, I believe that if autism is somehow a product of evolutionary processes, it is a step backwards in those processes.
As long as neurodiverse people and neurotypical people can produce viable offspring together, they will be of the same species.
As long as neurodiversity limits our physical and social capabilities, we will not be superior to neurotypical people.
Yes I agree with you. As it is now autism is clearly a syndrome who decreases the chance of reproduction, especially the most severe conditions. Although mildly affected individuals could be somehow 'take the best of both worlds', their reproductive success is still way below NTs so I think autism, like other conditions affecting reproduction, is actually a way out from fitness which is far more likely to bring to extinction than to speciation. The only way autistic people does not disappear is that autism is generated spontaneously in NT popolation (normal breeding population), thus replacing the autistics which does not reproduce.
You can see autism like salt. A bit improves the taste of food, but too much spoil it.
Following Post's Utopia, I think that the only way autistic can speciate, it would be necessary that the neurodiverisity is engineered (like in breeding selection in dogs or cat or fish) to selectively admit useful features while filtering and possibly discarding the most adverse features, especially on reproduction. This could be worked out in a variety of ways, but my point is that without a direct, willful, intervetion it's pretty unlikely that 'speciation' will take place at every appreciable rate. At this time we don't have the technology to do it, and using selective breeding like in non-human animals would require too much time for each new generation to be viable for reproductive sex (and you need a lot of generations).
Also I don't think that autistic people will become another specie
The target of forming social self-sustaining community would be a rather interesting success in itself. Anyway the idea is very interesting and need to be discussed although it's more of a sci-fi topic.
It's my weak point, but also my vitality