Aprilviolets wrote:
When Rhonda in "Muriel'sWedding" said "Do you ever dream what you would say to them (bullies) if you see them again, I would be saying yes.
Yeah I used to dream of doing something nasty to my school bullies but a lot of the bad things they did were as children or young adolescents. You can't hold somebody responsible for something they did when they were in school.
One particularly nasty bully who was a pure sociopath to me (in addition he enjoyed killing animals in the most cruel manner) is now a clinical psychiatrist and the head of mental health for an entire Australian state (I won't say which one). Nobody (including his wife and children) have any idea what he was like as a child
but I do. But there's no point exacting revenge or reminding them what they did as they are adults now and for all I know might have redeemed themselves. Even if they haven't its important to let go of bad things from the past as they only serve to make us bitter or burden our mental load.