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25 Sep 2011, 3:11 am

I suppose one could look at this along with Medical Marijuana. I mean what if someone has a Chronic or Terminal painful condition?

Would someone like that actually have a use for Heroin or other harder drugs?


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25 Sep 2011, 3:45 am

I suppose one could look at this along with Medical Marijuana. I mean what if someone has a Chronic or Terminal painful condition?

Would someone like that actually have a use for Heroin or other harder drugs?

It's really hard to say it depends on the person really.
Its a good question because they say marijuana leads to other drugs and that's ture for some people and not ture for some.
I believe the true gateway drug is alcohol most people that I know got drunk frist time before trying illegal substances.

Anyway I know a dude in a wheel chair and he's like 55 years old and says he has a medical marijuana lenience and he occasionally uses cocaine.
I know other guy that uses medical marijuana and doesn't do anything else except mabey has a beer or a glass of wine at the dinner table but that's about it.


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25 Sep 2011, 3:58 am

Just curious, because I think Heroin in the drug world isn't that far from Morphine is it?

And yes while Morphine is a more legitimate drug in healthcare it is also very powerful with a strong chance for creating addiction.


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25 Sep 2011, 4:12 am

Just curious, because I think Heroin in the drug world isn't that far from Morphine is it?

And yes while Morphine is a more legitimate drug in healthcare it is also very powerful with a strong chance for creating addiction.

I would think heroin is much stronger then morphine. I could be wrong.
I do know that Oxycontin if you were to inject it can be just as bad as heroin if not worse.


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25 Sep 2011, 4:47 am

Sweetleaf wrote:
Gedrene wrote:
vermontsavant wrote:
im not argueing there is anything good about drugs,i dont even drink.what can be acomplished by continuing the war on drugs.just a few weeks ago a youg woman was murdered in vermont by drug dealers.if she bought her drugs from a controled,safe regulated drug store,she wouls at least be alive

But that's the problem. She shouldn't go near drugs at all. Hard drugs are bad news. It'll be like if governments purposefully provided vaccines that caused some sort of debilitating mental disorder. [Ha!]
If you really want to make people safe from drugs then you have to destroy the source, completely. That means turning coca fields in to ash. They are already convincing afghan farmers to switch to watermelons and other crops.

There is no way to rid the world of drugs, it won't happen.......anymore than prohibition worked for alcohol. The best course of action is having accurate information availible about drugs so people can make more educated decisions laws prohibiting the use of all drugs other then prescription meds, alcohol, ciggarettes and caffine are obviously not working now are they.

I am sorry but the war on drugs has worked a lot better than the prohibition on alcohol. The main reason is that most people aren't stupid enough to waste their time with hard drugs like heroin or cocaine. It is working because the streets of every suburb aren't crawling with bands of druggies raiding people's houses and there aren't massive riots rocking US cities every night. ANd as I have already said it is better than in the 80's.


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25 Sep 2011, 4:49 am

I suppose one could look at this along with Medical Marijuana. I mean what if someone has a Chronic or Terminal painful condition?

Would someone like that actually have a use for Heroin or other harder drugs?

No, they wouldn't! Hah! Heroin has no medical advantages at all! Just because it has a stronger high doesn't mean it deals with pain better! Heroin is ashoddy drug that causes all sorts of mental problems. Using it as a way of staving off pain wouldn't work because it doesn't have that effect. And anways if I caught anyone using that method I would report them right away for medical negligence of the highest order!


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25 Sep 2011, 4:56 am

number2 wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
There is no way to rid the world of drugs, it won't happen.......anymore than prohibition worked for alcohol. The best course of action is having accurate information availible about drugs so people can make more educated decisions laws prohibiting the use of all drugs other then prescription meds, alcohol, ciggarettes and caffine are obviously not working now are they.

I agree.
I see his point and its not a bad argument but its VERY unrealistic though I see his point I cause its does think certain drugs like meth should have never been invented they easily take over a persons life. I also think cigarettes should have never been invented too, It just causes alot of health problems, I smoke myself and am VERY addicted if I don't have a smoke I get pissed off easily and make other people's life a living hell.

What is very unrealistic is that you two are somehow seeing that I am saying that all drugs will be destroyed. It would be easy to conclude that if people destroy the source then there will be an infinitismally small amount of drugs available. It will not longer be able to be a market. Simple economics. What's unrealistic too is that you are saying that just because we cannot stop drugs means that we should accept all of them from top to bottom of the scale, which is extremely naive or there is some ulterior motive going on here why the people who profess it actually are doing so.

This is hugely insane. One might as well say that we should never maintain anything in our cities because we will never be able to end the need to maintain anything. This is an absurd argument as as I have already said there is no way people can actually proclaim that heroin or cocaine will do any good whatsoever. SO LIKE EVERY OTHER POINTLESSLY DANGEROUS CHEMICAL THEY MUST BE CONTROLLED -or- DESTROYED


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25 Sep 2011, 6:28 am

Do you know how many innocent Mexicans get murdered every day because of the War on Drugs? This is much worse than the 80s. Portugal has it sorted: everything legal and much less associated crime like robberies and assault. Legalisation is the sane way forward.


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25 Sep 2011, 8:29 am

fraac wrote:
Do you know how many innocent Mexicans get murdered every day because of the War on Drugs? This is much worse than the 80s. Portugal has it sorted: everything legal and much less associated crime like robberies and assault. Legalisation is the sane way forward.

I was talking about the places that were receiving the drugs. If you want to say that Drug violence in the USA is somehow worse today than in the 80s then it goes to show that someone's tried to throw reason out the window. Portugal has not legalized heroin or cocaine. That is an outright lie. Just because a country has lower crime rates doesn't mean it is due to less stringent government drug control. California has cannabis, Nebraska doesn't. Guess which one has the higher crime rate? It's a stupid argument to make.

Anyways the reason why Mexico is doing badly is because of the subculture that accepts drugs, not anti-drug enforcement.


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25 Sep 2011, 9:47 am

I care about the entire human ecosystem, not just America. Heroin and cocaine are indeed legal in Portugal. You seem to be making stuff up in your head. Whatever the cause of the thousands of murders in Mexico, you can see that it would be easier to solve the problem by decriminalising drugs than by changing people's psychology.

Drug policy success: ... 46,00.html

Drug policy failure: ... mexico.jpg


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25 Sep 2011, 10:06 am

Gedrene wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
Gedrene wrote:
vermontsavant wrote:
im not argueing there is anything good about drugs,i dont even drink.what can be acomplished by continuing the war on drugs.just a few weeks ago a youg woman was murdered in vermont by drug dealers.if she bought her drugs from a controled,safe regulated drug store,she wouls at least be alive

But that's the problem. She shouldn't go near drugs at all. Hard drugs are bad news. It'll be like if governments purposefully provided vaccines that caused some sort of debilitating mental disorder. [Ha!]
If you really want to make people safe from drugs then you have to destroy the source, completely. That means turning coca fields in to ash. They are already convincing afghan farmers to switch to watermelons and other crops.

There is no way to rid the world of drugs, it won't happen.......anymore than prohibition worked for alcohol. The best course of action is having accurate information availible about drugs so people can make more educated decisions laws prohibiting the use of all drugs other then prescription meds, alcohol, ciggarettes and caffine are obviously not working now are they.

I am sorry but the war on drugs has worked a lot better than the prohibition on alcohol. The main reason is that most people aren't stupid enough to waste their time with hard drugs like heroin or cocaine. It is working because the streets of every suburb aren't crawling with bands of druggies raiding people's houses and there aren't massive riots rocking US cities every night. ANd as I have already said it is better than in the 80's.

How so, by putting non-violent drug offenders in prison for using drugs........that the government allows into this country? How has it worked exactly? People still use drugs, drug related charges still don't fit the crime. I am sorry but I don't feel it should be a crime for me to smoke a bowl on my own time and relax for a while that's a load of crap would it be better if I do some shots of Vodka? I realise hard drugs are quite dangerous, but how does keeping all currently illegal drugs illegal helping anything......If cannabis was legal maybe people would just stick with that and not bother moving to harder drugs..........but as it stands now sometimes harder drugs are easier to get depending on where one lives.


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25 Sep 2011, 10:06 am

Gedrene wrote:
number2 wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
There is no way to rid the world of drugs, it won't happen.......anymore than prohibition worked for alcohol. The best course of action is having accurate information availible about drugs so people can make more educated decisions laws prohibiting the use of all drugs other then prescription meds, alcohol, ciggarettes and caffine are obviously not working now are they.

I agree.
I see his point and its not a bad argument but its VERY unrealistic though I see his point I cause its does think certain drugs like meth should have never been invented they easily take over a persons life. I also think cigarettes should have never been invented too, It just causes alot of health problems, I smoke myself and am VERY addicted if I don't have a smoke I get pissed off easily and make other people's life a living hell.

What is very unrealistic is that you two are somehow seeing that I am saying that all drugs will be destroyed. It would be easy to conclude that if people destroy the source then there will be an infinitismally small amount of drugs available. It will not longer be able to be a market. Simple economics. What's unrealistic too is that you are saying that just because we cannot stop drugs means that we should accept all of them from top to bottom of the scale, which is extremely naive or there is some ulterior motive going on here why the people who profess it actually are doing so.

This is hugely insane. One might as well say that we should never maintain anything in our cities because we will never be able to end the need to maintain anything. This is an absurd argument as as I have already said there is no way people can actually proclaim that heroin or cocaine will do any good whatsoever. SO LIKE EVERY OTHER POINTLESSLY DANGEROUS CHEMICAL THEY MUST BE CONTROLLED -or- DESTROYED

It's unrealistic because there's always going to be a huge demand for drugs. for example with alcohol when there was prohibition they tried to destroy every last drop of alcohol but failed its very much the same with illicit drugs its not going to happen unless you could mind f**k the whole population with destroying there drugs then maybe your idea would come true.

My idea of legalizing all drugs might be somewhat unrealistic too because the government makes too much money off of prohibition I just think it would be highly unlikely that they would go forward too make my wish come true. course the government are dicks for letting innocent people die for wanting to buy there drugs.


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25 Sep 2011, 10:11 am

Gedrene wrote:
I suppose one could look at this along with Medical Marijuana. I mean what if someone has a Chronic or Terminal painful condition?

Would someone like that actually have a use for Heroin or other harder drugs?

No, they wouldn't! Hah! Heroin has no medical advantages at all! Just because it has a stronger high doesn't mean it deals with pain better! Heroin is ashoddy drug that causes all sorts of mental problems. Using it as a way of staving off pain wouldn't work because it doesn't have that effect. And anways if I caught anyone using that method I would report them right away for medical negligence of the highest order!

Umm I am pretty sure though Herion is not considered a medicinal drug.....there are quite a few other drugs derived from opium that are used for perscription pain relief. So technically it would have some medicinal value but is more dangerous(from what I know) than those other opiates still very simular and would come with the medicinal benifit of pain relief. Technically not saying they should start prescribing people Herion instead of Morphine for instance but its close to the same thing.


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25 Sep 2011, 10:37 am

Sweetleaf wrote:
Gedrene wrote:
I suppose one could look at this along with Medical Marijuana. I mean what if someone has a Chronic or Terminal painful condition?

Would someone like that actually have a use for Heroin or other harder drugs?

No, they wouldn't! Hah! Heroin has no medical advantages at all! Just because it has a stronger high doesn't mean it deals with pain better! Heroin is ashoddy drug that causes all sorts of mental problems. Using it as a way of staving off pain wouldn't work because it doesn't have that effect. And anways if I caught anyone using that method I would report them right away for medical negligence of the highest order!

Umm I am pretty sure though Herion is not considered a medicinal drug.....there are quite a few other drugs derived from opium that are used for perscription pain relief. So technically it would have some medicinal value but is more dangerous(from what I know) than those other opiates still very simular and would come with the medicinal benifit of pain relief. Technically not saying they should start prescribing people Herion instead of Morphine for instance but its close to the same thing.

I actually believe heroin can have some medical value,Kurt Cobain had a terrible pain condition and he was looking for something that would alleviate the pain and he said the heroin helped him feel like there was almost no pain that explains why he got so addicted to the stuff.
The only thing is that heroin is so addictive that I don't think they would prescribe heroin ever.


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25 Sep 2011, 10:42 am

number2 wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
Gedrene wrote:
I suppose one could look at this along with Medical Marijuana. I mean what if someone has a Chronic or Terminal painful condition?

Would someone like that actually have a use for Heroin or other harder drugs?

No, they wouldn't! Hah! Heroin has no medical advantages at all! Just because it has a stronger high doesn't mean it deals with pain better! Heroin is ashoddy drug that causes all sorts of mental problems. Using it as a way of staving off pain wouldn't work because it doesn't have that effect. And anways if I caught anyone using that method I would report them right away for medical negligence of the highest order!

Umm I am pretty sure though Herion is not considered a medicinal drug.....there are quite a few other drugs derived from opium that are used for perscription pain relief. So technically it would have some medicinal value but is more dangerous(from what I know) than those other opiates still very simular and would come with the medicinal benifit of pain relief. Technically not saying they should start prescribing people Herion instead of Morphine for instance but its close to the same thing.

I actually believe heroin can have some medical value,Kurt Cobain had a terrible pain condition and he was looking for something that would alleviate the pain and he said the heroin helped him feel like there was almost no pain that explains why he got so addicted to the stuff.
The only thing is that heroin is so addictive that I don't think they would prescribe heroin ever.

Well it does technically speaking...but yeah it is a bit more dangerous and addictive than the other opium based drugs they prescribe. I mean no doubt if I tried herion I would probably like it, I would like it too much so that is why I do not plan on touching that crap.


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25 Sep 2011, 10:56 am

Sweetleaf wrote:
number2 wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
Gedrene wrote:
I suppose one could look at this along with Medical Marijuana. I mean what if someone has a Chronic or Terminal painful condition?

Would someone like that actually have a use for Heroin or other harder drugs?

No, they wouldn't! Hah! Heroin has no medical advantages at all! Just because it has a stronger high doesn't mean it deals with pain better! Heroin is ashoddy drug that causes all sorts of mental problems. Using it as a way of staving off pain wouldn't work because it doesn't have that effect. And anways if I caught anyone using that method I would report them right away for medical negligence of the highest order!

Umm I am pretty sure though Herion is not considered a medicinal drug.....there are quite a few other drugs derived from opium that are used for perscription pain relief. So technically it would have some medicinal value but is more dangerous(from what I know) than those other opiates still very simular and would come with the medicinal benifit of pain relief. Technically not saying they should start prescribing people Herion instead of Morphine for instance but its close to the same thing.

I actually believe heroin can have some medical value,Kurt Cobain had a terrible pain condition and he was looking for something that would alleviate the pain and he said the heroin helped him feel like there was almost no pain that explains why he got so addicted to the stuff.
The only thing is that heroin is so addictive that I don't think they would prescribe heroin ever.

Well it does technically speaking...but yeah it is a bit more dangerous and addictive than the other opium based drugs they prescribe. I mean no doubt if I tried herion I would probably like it, I would like it too much so that is why I do not plan on touching that crap.

Actually doctors prescribe Oxycontin that can be just as bad as heroin if you crush up the pills and inject them.

When I was watching intervention there was this very attractive women who was addicted to Oxycontin and it was so bad that one day she ran out and was sick so she met up with her friend and they went to look for oxy's but they couldn't get them so her friend called up a heroin dealer and she never tried heroin, anyways they get the heroin shoot up in the car and the girl who was addicted to the Oxycontin didn't even get high because she had a such a tolerance to opioids.