sinsboldly wrote:
Naturella wrote:
sinsboldly wrote:
DeanFoley wrote:
sinsboldly wrote:
DeanFoley wrote:
Because Aspies have never fought in or supported wars.
this is just funny, as I know two Aspie guys here on WP that were in Viet Nam one in the Army and one a Marine. There was an Aspie guy just back from Iraq. . oh, wait, he was a mercenary there, but still. He was going back, he was just on leave, so I would say he was 'supporting' that war.
I was being sarcastic. The previous comment was about how NT's guaranteed war, and I was mocking the assumption that Aspies were perfect little pacifists.
sarcasm is always risky in a two dimentional universe of WP. perhaps a "/sarcasm" would alert those who might miss your sarcasm and just think you were wildly uninformed?
If you know so many cases of Aspies going to war, why would not you try to correct the previous orator, who say that NT garantee war? Why would not you try to make him less uninformed? I think you are being biased. And big time.
hummm. . lets see. .I answer the guy that I didn't get the sarcasm on. . . but I didn't answer the one that
you thought I should answer . .
I am
so sorry I haven't lived up to your expectations of what my priorities should be, Naturella I truly am. I realize that I am held to a higher standard than any member here, and I will try,
try to meet your expectations. . .
That's not about what your personal priorities are. I do not care about that. It is about following the discussion at least a little bit before jumping into it with irrelevant comments and trying to argue with the things that were not there. Yes, I expect someone who wants to insert a word in other people's conversation and comment some phrase to follow that conversation. At least read the previous comment of the same author. Yes, I think one has to do that if one wants to mess in others' arguing. Yes, I think it is polite to do that. And yes, i think i is rude to misinterpret what someone saying by isolating a phrase from a context.
As for sorrys and ironies - about expectations - then yes, I expect the moderator a little bit understand what is going on. So, please, do, try to meet them. I will appreciate that.