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Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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29 Dec 2008, 1:41 pm

sinsboldly wrote:
Naturella wrote:
sinsboldly wrote:
DeanFoley wrote:
sinsboldly wrote:
DeanFoley wrote:
Because Aspies have never fought in or supported wars.

this is just funny, as I know two Aspie guys here on WP that were in Viet Nam one in the Army and one a Marine. There was an Aspie guy just back from Iraq. . oh, wait, he was a mercenary there, but still. He was going back, he was just on leave, so I would say he was 'supporting' that war.


I was being sarcastic. The previous comment was about how NT's guaranteed war, and I was mocking the assumption that Aspies were perfect little pacifists.

sarcasm is always risky in a two dimentional universe of WP. perhaps a "/sarcasm" would alert those who might miss your sarcasm and just think you were wildly uninformed?


If you know so many cases of Aspies going to war, why would not you try to correct the previous orator, who say that NT garantee war? Why would not you try to make him less uninformed? I think you are being biased. And big time.

hummm. . lets see. .I answer the guy that I didn't get the sarcasm on. . . but I didn't answer the one that you thought I should answer . .
I am so sorry I haven't lived up to your expectations of what my priorities should be, Naturella I truly am. I realize that I am held to a higher standard than any member here, and I will try, try to meet your expectations. . .


That's not about what your personal priorities are. I do not care about that. It is about following the discussion at least a little bit before jumping into it with irrelevant comments and trying to argue with the things that were not there. Yes, I expect someone who wants to insert a word in other people's conversation and comment some phrase to follow that conversation. At least read the previous comment of the same author. Yes, I think one has to do that if one wants to mess in others' arguing. Yes, I think it is polite to do that. And yes, i think i is rude to misinterpret what someone saying by isolating a phrase from a context.
As for sorrys and ironies - about expectations - then yes, I expect the moderator a little bit understand what is going on. So, please, do, try to meet them. I will appreciate that.


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29 Dec 2008, 8:36 pm

sinsboldly wrote:
Shiggily wrote:
Who_Am_I wrote:
Shiggily wrote:
DeanFoley wrote:
Why the hell are we going to perish?! It's not like we've been restricted from breeding or actively being killed off.

which makes me wonder. If Aspies started their own country, who would they reproduce with?

Each other?

portion of men to women. that would mean.... women do nothing but reproduce?

that's how the NTs started!

well, humans did start by reproduction... I am not sure what your point is. Though I do not think that Aspies are a separate enough "breed" that you can guarantee reproduction of an Aspie with two Aspie parents. And considering most Aspies come from NT parents that point is a little moot.


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29 Dec 2008, 9:28 pm

Shiggily wrote:
sinsboldly wrote:
Shiggily wrote:
Who_Am_I wrote:
Shiggily wrote:
DeanFoley wrote:
Why the hell are we going to perish?! It's not like we've been restricted from breeding or actively being killed off.

which makes me wonder. If Aspies started their own country, who would they reproduce with?

Each other?

portion of men to women. that would mean.... women do nothing but reproduce?

that's how the NTs started!

well, humans did start by reproduction... I am not sure what your point is. Though I do not think that Aspies are a separate enough "breed" that you can guarantee reproduction of an Aspie with two Aspie parents. And considering most Aspies come from NT parents that point is a little moot.

actually my point was that women were conscripted by tradition and design to reproduce for whom ever weilded the power. I haven't heard through any anthropology I have ever studied that Aspies had ever been the head of power in any culture.

anyway I never heard of neurotypicals until a little under three years ago. . .


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29 Dec 2008, 11:36 pm

Zyborg wrote:
What do you think about buying up acres of land and creating new state in Saharan desert, a national home for people with Asperger's syndrome?

[img][edited by sinsboldly for blowing out the margins of the frame

Sounds like you live in your parent's basement. Why don't we all move there?


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30 Dec 2008, 12:14 am

NaturalTrapist wrote:
Zyborg wrote:
What do you think about buying up acres of land and creating new state in Saharan desert, a national home for people with Asperger's syndrome?

[img][edited by sinsboldly for blowing out the margins of the frame

Sounds like you live in your parent's basement. Why don't we all move there?

there is also the problem of qualifying as a state. Look at Northern Ireland, the Kurds, Tibet, Taiwan, Basques...

that and Western Sahara is already fighting for independence.

Somehow I doubt Aspies are going to take up arms to defend their right to be an independent nations. Particularly since they all claim to be peaceful and anti-war to begin with.

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30 Dec 2008, 8:56 am

Shiggily wrote:
Who_Am_I wrote:
Shiggily wrote:
DeanFoley wrote:
Why the hell are we going to perish?! It's not like we've been restricted from breeding or actively being killed off.

which makes me wonder. If Aspies started their own country, who would they reproduce with?

Each other?

portion of men to women. that would mean.... women do nothing but reproduce?

Aspergia would need a heavily enforced caste system to survive. There are two choices. Either Aspergian women would dedicate themselves to childbearing and have multiple partners ensuring clean genes; or women would have to be imported from the far east for breeding and non Autistic children would be exiled to the Tauregs. Asians are good at maths though, so we should be ok with the latter option. :lol:

Ara, what do I care for me goose feathered bed?
What do I care for blankets?
Tonight I lie in a wide open field,
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30 Dec 2008, 10:27 am

From the absurd to the... even more absurd.

~I wanna fly high, so I can reach the highest of all the heavens
Somebody will be waiting for me, so I've got to fly higher~

Sea Gull
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30 Dec 2008, 2:15 pm

Guys. This. Is. Totally. Impractical.

Everyone's trying to think outside the box, but how am I supposed to get in?


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30 Dec 2008, 7:12 pm

Tails wrote:
From the absurd to the... even more absurd.



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30 Dec 2008, 8:48 pm

I would live in Aspergia even though i already declared my car its own country. Sounds like Aspergia would be less cramped, that and someone else is taking over my car lease so I'm in need of a new country... :thumleft:

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31 Dec 2008, 12:16 am

Great. We'll have a man on the moon in two days but no one in retail. LOL

Seriously, it's an interesting idea, but I can't move -I hate change and I am not giving up my house.


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31 Dec 2008, 12:43 pm

1Oryx2 wrote:
Great. We'll have a man on the moon in two days but no one in retail. LOL


By the time we sort out some sort of stable and well functioning group to work within, we'd need at least two decades before any attempt at space exploration.

For time has imprisoned us,
In the order of our years,
In the discipline of our ways,
And in the passing of momentary stillness.
We can see our chaos in motion.


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31 Dec 2008, 1:33 pm

"This is Aspinaut One to mission control, Come in"
"This is Aspinaut One, Mission control, we have a problem, do you copy?"
"This is Aspinaut One, for crying out loud mission control, didn't you hire one Aspie who isn't non-verbal?"

Snowy Owl
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01 Jan 2009, 1:47 pm

Letum wrote:
"This is Aspinaut One to mission control, Come in"
"This is Aspinaut One, Mission control, we have a problem, do you copy?"
"This is Aspinaut One, for crying out loud mission control, didn't you hire one Aspie who isn't non-verbal?"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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01 Jan 2009, 4:32 pm

Letum wrote:
"This is Aspinaut One to mission control, Come in"
"This is Aspinaut One, Mission control, we have a problem, do you copy?"
"This is Aspinaut One, for crying out loud mission control, didn't you hire one Aspie who isn't non-verbal?"


I don't have Aspergers, I'm just socially inept

Dodgy circuitry! Diagnosed: Tourette syndrome. Suspected: auditory processing disorder, synaesthesia. Also: social and organisation problems. Heteroromantic asexual (though still exploring)


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02 Jan 2009, 10:32 am

Letum wrote:
"This is Aspinaut One to mission control, Come in"
"This is Aspinaut One, Mission control, we have a problem, do you copy?"
"This is Aspinaut One, for crying out loud mission control, didn't you hire one Aspie who isn't non-verbal?"

Course we did...they're just having a meltdown right now. We'll get back to ya.