Fehndrix wrote:
Amnesty International needs to know about this. I think the Human Rights Campaign as well. I think this outrages me more than Wal-Mart, BP, the GOP, Enron, AIG, and MTV combined.
Unfortunately, a bunch of the human rights organizations have been contacted about this, but few have shown interest. Also, according to a friend of mine whose mother worked in AI, the American chapter can't do anything about the JRC, because AI is set up in such a way where people cannot work on human rights issues within their own countries.
For what it's worth, I went to an event at my law school the other day to a discussion with the governor (I live in MA, where the JRC is based), and brought up the subject. He says he agrees that the practices they use there are inhumane, but I didn't get a sense of how far he would push to have the place shut down given the opportunity.