ci wrote:
Even the statement something coming from thin air does not denote it came from nothing. Please prove in all of the world as it is now that a something ever comes from a nothing. Can you prove it? whereas credible science continues to denote something before it? It is my theory any theory deriving a universe came from a nothing is speaking simply about minds origination.
You don't have a clue what 'theory' means, you have no basis for having an opinion on this subject, and I invite you to learn enough science so that you can read up on the subject that you are spouting nonsense about.
This will take work and dedication, but it is something that you have to do for yourself.
Many on this forum could take a shot at explaining it to you, but you are not receptive and ready to learn about this. I won't waste my time trying. As I've told you before, while I think it important to call out your errors, I don't have any desire to converse or debate with you.
Diagnosed: OCD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Dysthemia
Undiagnosed: AS (Aspie: 176/200, NT: 37/200)
High functioning, software engineer, algorithms, cats, books