Yeah, that seems a little secret society. On the other hand, I see it as representing the Triad. In other news, I really like the song, Triad, by Tool, off of their Lateralus album.
I don't think we're all hyperlexic... I'm more obsessed with concepts than words. Like the fractal. That should be our symbol! It's like the same as the Aspies for Freedom one, and representative of patterns and patterns and patterns, is definitive of the Power Law, which is like the Normal Curve, any number you multiply it by, it's always the same. Which is the Power law. It's reflective in nature through various natural phenomena, like trees and snowflakes, and veggies, which are good for you. But...okay, probably not the best symbol for us.
But, there is so much diversity. Can we really agree on a symbol?
I like penguins and Data. Can we give Data a penguin, and that can be our symbol?