How to change the "victim" mind set?
Even though it's a holiday I have to go to the production location now and catch up.
Read for now.
The key I believe in co-evolutionary terms to to create benefit for what others call the N.T's and the what others call the Aspies. Otherwise one feels threatened. Most people online here do not qualify for services or the employment.
The peer politics creating intolerance toward compassion is coming to an end. Pity accusations, indifferent advocacy against isolation awareness and for pride in an image of autism is injustice.
I'm not personally interested in other people's services, benefits or offers of employment. Hence not really that bothered about qualifcations for it. I do my own stuff and make a living on my own terms and I enjoy doing it.
I see what you're saying but to set a criteria and develop and organization which acts as a nexus for benefits and services and then say those who fall outside that criteria created for this system are not able to define themselves in these terms anymore because my definition now requires this degree of incapacity is a little "centric" perhaps.
If you accept the primary principle that we all have different aspects and degrees of things inhibiting us and some people will benefit from you system and others not, ( which I think you agreed the principle of here) then you have to accept there are AS guys who fall outside that criteria.
If you're going for a cure then it's like the ones perhaps needing more social skills training and less medication, and a re radicalized by their life experiences and fall outside your criteria will disagree with what you are doing if you try to apply your one size fits all model to them.
I think maybe you are all talking at cross purposes and wasting energy in what could be a more efficient system.
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I'm not an expert in co-evolutionary theory but my experience tells me I am significantly different from NT's to regard myself as belonging to a different group and evolution has to have played some part in the development of my neurological differences.
I know NT's like classifying things and we share most of their culture language and whatever other basis for making sense of "all the stuff there is ". Unless we develop a completely divergent culture and our own language and new cognitive modes of then it's not unnatural to classify ourselves within their current frameworks.
What I'm saying is we can choose to be victims of their systems or to find ways to use their systems so as not be victims. I think ultimately most NT's want want this as well.
If we studied their systems with the ferocity and intense intellectual focus we approach our special interests we would probably have more control when it comes to being offered a cure, be able to dictate it on mutual terms and have enough power in that relationship not to be victimized for their benefit.
Currently it is this aspect which seems so out of balance. It is valuable to remember one aspect of AS is that sense of utter worthlessness ( as experienced growing up) in spite of the talents and gifts we have. To enter into a relationship with the medical/social- 'caring' profession without a mutual power balance is going to be demeaning and only reinforce that sense of difference measured/defined = less than the clinician/Nt's in terms of human value, ie we will still feel worthless but in a different way. And that really is not a cure only a shifting of the problem from the general to the specific.
What is needed is mutual respect and that has to be earned by us and enforced by us.
I like the idea of getting rid of the system all together rather then being a victim of it or using it and in a sense kind of becoming the opressors.
Maybe you'd like to take control of aspects the process as it's personal to you?
Getting rid of oppressors requires a whole different set of thinking and strategy. Not saying it can't be done, but dealing ones nearest to you is practical and fun and a good hobby .
Taking out one level of oppression maybe wouldn't solve the problem. If by oppressors you mean the system of clinicians and related professions that makes a living by claiming understanding of AS and peddling therapy then you are only describing , and focusing your aggression on one layer of the hierarchy. If you remove this layer then some other guys will try and figure out how to screw us instead.
The ones we have now are well described and understood and most seem to act as gatekeepers between the powerful groups over them in their relations with us . Some therapists are highly ethical others are not. It's a filtration that's required
Don't forget in some countries and cultures where there are no advocates for guys like us, you will get AS kids working in sweatshops , living brutalized lives and being punished for existing.
Like I said I think once we figure out how to bring the clinicians therapists to the table and have an equal share in the relationship then having them around is better than not at all, even if their only solid function is to exist as a barrier between us and currently more powerful exploitative economic groups.
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Getting rid of oppressors requires a whole different set of thinking and strategy. Not saying it can't be done, but dealing ones nearest to you is practical and fun and a good hobby .
Taking out one level of oppression maybe wouldn't solve the problem. If by oppressors you mean the system of clinicians and related professions that makes a living by claiming understanding of AS and peddling therapy then you are only describing , and focusing your aggression on one layer of the hierarchy. If you remove this layer then some other guys will try and figure out how to screw us instead.
The ones we have now are well described and understood and most seem to act as gatekeepers between the powerful groups over them in their relations with us . Some therapists are highly ethical others are not. It's a filtration that's required
Don't forget in some countries and cultures where there are no advocates for guys like us, you will get AS kids working in sweatshops , living brutalized lives and being punished for existing.
Like I said I think once we figure out how to bring the clinicians therapists to the table and have an equal share in the relationship then having them around is better than not at all, even if their only solid function is to exist as a barrier between us and currently more powerful exploitative economic groups.
I have not even come into contact with very many professionals who diagnose or know anything about autism so no my issue is hardly with that small segment of people. My issue is with the very people who are responsible for things like sweat shops...those people on top of the corporate world with all the power they are even able to influence various governments through paying them off, bribes, economic manipulation ect. I mean do you ever wonder why even though we have the technology to become less dependent on oil for instance none of that progress is really being made? because someone somewhere makes to much money off of oil. So yeah I was talking about the system as a whole.
I see what you're saying but to set a criteria and develop and organization which acts as a nexus for benefits and services and then say those who fall outside that criteria created for this system are not able to define themselves in these terms anymore because my definition now requires this degree of incapacity is a little "centric" perhaps.
If you accept the primary principle that we all have different aspects and degrees of things inhibiting us and some people will benefit from you system and others not, ( which I think you agreed the principle of here) then you have to accept there are AS guys who fall outside that criteria.
If you're going for a cure then it's like the ones perhaps needing more social skills training and less medication, and a re radicalized by their life experiences and fall outside your criteria will disagree with what you are doing if you try to apply your one size fits all model to them.
I think maybe you are all talking at cross purposes and wasting energy in what could be a more efficient system.
The criteria is not up to me but the state of California. Individuals on the autism spectrum and whom desire to be support workers can be employed in another capacity. However abortion politics, the dignity of treatment rights such as cure and any intolerance toward personal choices will not and is not tolerated by individuals of professional capacity. If a professional support workers with or without ASD were to call an individual of substantial disabilities whom also has autism a curebee there would be a warning with mandated apology and then firing. Keep the politics outside of the protected circumstances. These are protected circumstances and under state law and federal law are protected rights such as the right to treatment which potentially entails cure and the right to privacy prevail.
The peer politics creating intolerance toward compassion is coming to an end. Pity accusations, indifferent advocacy against isolation awareness and for pride in an image of autism is injustice.
Last edited by ci on 04 Jul 2011, 3:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Mediate on my name and the avatar. You'll get it.
I think it's more 'fun' to live a small scale loving life, personally.
Well I already have come to the terms that I will never be cured of my depression or pessimism....therefore I am probably destined to at least attemt to fight the system somehow but probably end up dead before I figure out how to actually affect anything. With some fun on the side....I still like concerts and drinking. Obvioulsy I cannot start large scale so for now I will just focus on figuring out how to get involved with trying to enact a policy change on marijuana as that is a large issue that does directly effect me. I have some hope that people will get fed up with the current system as I don't want to be the only one.
I don't care if it's the ancient council of the planet Jupiter setting the criteria , if I decide I don't want it applied to me and I don't want anything from them like grants aid handouts etc and I decide to keep the only sense of identity I have that integrates my life experience and puts meaning to it, then I don't see what control or power they have to stop me doing it.
Remember systems evolve , powerful patrons in the political system turn over and social and medical policy changes, often quite rapidly, thus in time your criteria will change. Nothing is enshrined or guaranteed in anything other than the near or forseeable future.
Much of that criteria now will be defined by what is realistic to fund as a support package to groups they regard as disabled, no matter how politely they phrase this. Not everyone AS falls into this current category and it wold be convinient for fiscal reasons to develop the idea they were no longer regarded as being AS. This is how clinical definitions change and there is a well documented history in the UK of Mental Health Acts and redefinitions of mental illness as well as changing community care policy and approaches.
Currently it would seem self advocacy groups who could benefit from social learning and life skills programs have been left out of the benefits-grants loop ? They are labeling you a curebie and you do not think this is fair or called for.
Like I said I think the crux of this is you got a whole bunch of people with differing needs represented by different groups talking at cross purposes. This is a common historic political tactic by powerful political-economic groups to play one group off against another.
That's why you are talking at cross purposes and wasting each others time and energies.
Sweatleaf , fun is good. I really hope you get to do plenty of it. When you do let us know. Nice to know there's someone you've chatted to, out there, enjoying a bit of life. All adds to the big good.
Hey you know when I see my own kids doing stuff I didn't dare- it's like real warm wow!
Make me go wow! Older AS folk like going wow about stuff like this. Kinda addictive.
Remember systems evolve , powerful patrons in the political system turn over and social and medical policy changes, often quite rapidly, thus in time your criteria will change. Nothing is enshrined or guaranteed in anything other than the near or forseeable future.
Much of that criteria now will be defined by what is realistic to fund as a support package to groups they regard as disabled, no matter how politely they phrase this. Not everyone AS falls into this current category and it wold be convinient for fiscal reasons to develop the idea they were no longer regarded as being AS. This is how clinical definitions change and there is a well documented history in the UK of Mental Health Acts and redefinitions of mental illness as well as changing community care policy and approaches.
Currently it would seem self advocacy groups who could benefit from social learning and life skills programs have been left out of the benefits-grants loop ? They are labeling you a curebie and you do not think this is fair or called for.
Like I said I think the crux of this is you got a whole bunch of people with differing needs represented by different groups talking at cross purposes. This is a common historic political tactic by powerful political-economic groups to play one group off against another.
That's why you are talking at cross purposes and wasting each others time and energies.
None of this is up to me nor is much of it my concern. How dollars are used to create the most potential and the invest of those dollars re-creating potential so as to depend less on government money is my hope. Calling someone a curebee is silly but beyond that some take these concerns so seriously they confront human rights. Human rights cannot ultimately be evaded in this fashion.
The peer politics creating intolerance toward compassion is coming to an end. Pity accusations, indifferent advocacy against isolation awareness and for pride in an image of autism is injustice.
Man, they are winding you up. If you are angry then you are less efficient. I know it's a serious issue, and they should know better, but if you don't bite then they cant taunt . Try learning that in the equivalent of a chain gang. ( Huh:) )
Making yourself a lightening rod for different groups doesn't help you because it annoys you for rational reasons, and it dissipates some of the energy of the other groups that could be directed for constructive purposes. They probably don't need what you've got to offer and you haven't got what they need. So what's the point in all the chaffing ? Some guys who come them you could help better, some guys who come to you they could help better.
So what you need is clear definitive model of agreed care plans that take into consideration the differing reasons for an individual's AS. That's an assessment and all the models for developing such an assessment already exist. They need fitting together.
But you can see there's cross purpose chatting going on here and it's doing no one any good?
You just can't fight a wind up with logic because part of the wind up is they will pretend not to listen even though what you say is applicable and rational answer. They are not looking for answers just wanting to provoke a response. No I don't know why people do this either, nor why they don't know why they do it either, its a mystery.
You're "entangled."
I am not arguing for any specific groups. I am not winded up either. I am learning the issues and what groups to keep clear of. This study began after pride advocates attacked my organization for no reason. They have since been dealt with and removed false information without legal action on my part. The laws are clear. Individuals have the right to cure. Saying one is insulted will only go so far which has been the primary tactic in anti-cure politics. It has been rendered much less effective.
The peer politics creating intolerance toward compassion is coming to an end. Pity accusations, indifferent advocacy against isolation awareness and for pride in an image of autism is injustice.
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Until there is a cure no one has a right to it anyways...I do not think a cure is going to be found and so more focus should be on how to help people who need it not developing a cure when they have found no evidence suggesting a cure is even possible. but I suppose that is just my personal opinion.
The two can go together. Autism has many components to it. Curing one such as the inability to speak and or sensory integration impairment won't or may not cure everything subjectively to an individual but would assist with quality of life. The right to cure in potential is a human right to research for that potential. This issue is akin to the stem cell research debate and morality. The only difference here is the potential of abortion which is the primary political confrontation. Individuals living have the right to cure research and no one can argue that away.
The peer politics creating intolerance toward compassion is coming to an end. Pity accusations, indifferent advocacy against isolation awareness and for pride in an image of autism is injustice.
Joined: 6 Jan 2011
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Well they should certainly continue cure research but I do not think it should be the main goal as it is very possible there is no cure.
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