I caught it free on BBC iplayer. It's still available.
One shaman suggested the boy may become a shaman in the future. The anthropologist, R Grinker, had the following to say on shamanism:
One way of explaining an illness is to say that this person’s sick. Another way of explaining an illness is to say this is a different type of person and they will have a different role in society.
One of the most common things that anthropologists have found among healers like shamans is that, almost always, people who are shamans, no matter whether they are in East Africa, or whether they are in Central Asia or South America or Australia, they have gone through some sickness, and often that illness is an illness with a constellation of symptoms that are certainly neuropsychiatric.
The shamans don’t show neurological symptoms because they’re shamans; they become shamans because they had these neurological symptoms. We don’t know why, but one thing we do know is that the line between what is a shaman and the line between say a psychoanalyst is not that clearly drawn. We are one of the few societies that treat neurological and psychiatric difference by creating institutions where we separate people completely from society. Most other cultures aren’t like that.