Not quite sure where this topic belongs, but since learning about Aspergers syndrome I've thought that the characters in several books that I have read are almost certainly autistic even though no label of any kind is placed on them. The most obvious two that come to mind are:
"The Crow Road" by Ian Banks
"Mosquito Coast" - not sure of the author but it was made into a film of the same name.
As a child I used to enjoy books by a writer named Ruth Arthur, and several of her characters seemed to be autistic in varying degrees - one was clearly classically autistic, as in unable to speak. Others were more Aspergers like, for instance in the book "A candle in her room".
I thought it might be useful for people to compile a list of books and films with autistic or AS characters, both for adults and children.
If people want to discuss the individual films and books then I think it's best if they start separate thread for each one.