beau99 wrote:
OK, ABA was never used with me, but some of my best friends are NT parents that have used ABA with their kids and it's worked wonders.
I have no idea why some people on the spectrum think ABA is evil.
That would be because we have listened to those autistics who have had ABA used on them.
I note, in the above, that you have listened to "NT parents" who have "used ABA with their kids". Does that "with" mean that the kids got to use ABA on their parents, not just the other way round?
Finally, what does "it's worked wonders" mean? Usually, the measure applied has nothing do do with reducing the stress levels of the child (which can be done via understanding, acceptance and accommodation), but only with how well they succeed with
pretending to be normal.
I also think that you will find that comparative studies, where ABA has, or has not been used, show that there is no evidence that the treatment has any greater success, versus normal progressive development. I.e. coping strategies develop naturally, whereas forced behavioural changes may be, at best, superficially effective.
"Striking up conversations with strangers is an autistic person's version of extreme sports."
Kamran Nazeer