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04 Dec 2009, 11:49 pm

Autism Speaks recently announced on their website that due to the poor economy they have to "postpone" grant making and giving for 2009. Despite having hauled in a reported $68 million in funds last year, they claim to have fallen upon hard times.. Sad, really, on the surface. But dig deeper. I ask you to consider the following information, taken straight from this organization' s IRS 990 form on their own website:

Geraldine Dawson, Chief Science Officer - Salary: $669,751
Mark Roithmayer, President - Salary: $400,413
Peter Bell, Executive Vice President - Salary: $265,981
Glenn Tringali, Executive Vice President - Salary: $255,256
Alison Tepper Singer, Executive Vice President - Salary: $201,942
Amount Spent on Travel: $2,873,667
Credit Card and Banking Fees: $989,344
Premiums: $1,452,807
Management Fees: $2,038,024
Advertising and Promotion: $2,108,778
Temporary Help: $718,686
Income: $65,826,829

So please dig deep and donate. They need to fund their salaries, traveling, and credit card expense accounts.


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04 Dec 2009, 11:54 pm

Yep... Follow the money and you'll see what they're really about.

Even the money that does go to research is mostly going to genetics, to find a prenatal test. Hardly any goes to support actual autistic people. It's all research and "awareness".

Autism Speaks is one of the worst autism orgs out there.

Reports from a Resident Alien:

Autism Memorial:


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05 Dec 2009, 2:22 am

My grandfather used to rant about how they would never find a cure for cancer because there was just too much money to be made.... B*st*rds. That's why I hate donating at the checkout line in the grocery store.

Get me out of here!

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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05 Dec 2009, 3:37 am

yeah, autism speaks are lieing f***heads. we know.

watching from the sidelines of life.


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05 Dec 2009, 9:02 am

I am not from Britain and don't know how things are there but a glimpse at the two major private autims organizations from both countries looks that NAS does a far far far better job.


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08 Dec 2009, 10:43 am

I could think of many better names for Autism Speaks but posting any of those would result in me being kicked off of this forum.


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02 Jan 2010, 10:15 am

Don't worry, Autism Speaks' days are numbered. They cannot survive under the scrutiny of truth and light.

With such revelations as well as knowing the fact that every cent of good organizations that truly help autism, like WrongPlanet, see proceeds go to their development (am I right on this?), I know that eventually, we can eventually truly speak for ourselves!

Ex amicitia vita