Greshym_Shorkan wrote:
Sometimes when I read some of things she has quoted, I sense hostility lurking beneath her words. Do you?
I assume you mis-worded this, and you mean "quotes from her", not "things she has quoted".
I cannot think of a single thing she has been quoted as saying that gives any hint of what you are attributing to her.
I've watched a documentary on her, where she voiced many opinions, none of which were as you describe. I'm looking forward to seeing the HBO film - when I can figure out how to see it.
I've read "Animals in Translation", which is a fine book, although I might disagree with one or two of her remarks therein.
I've also seen a multitude of other quotes and clips of hers.
My question is that same as that of others on here: "Where is your example of such a quote?"
"Striking up conversations with strangers is an autistic person's version of extreme sports."
Kamran Nazeer