Hate to break it to you, but they only way we're going to get Autism Shut The F*** Up - err, I mean Autism Speaks - to listen to a damn word we say is either by mailing them a court order to do so or waving firearms in their faces.
That's just the way things are. We can diminish their presence by supporting neurodiversity and legit organizations like the Autism Self-Advocacy Network, but in the end they just won't die, no matter how many time we wish for their demise. And they aren't going to change their name because of a petition, even if the entire rest of the world plus a few extraterrestrials signed said petition.
Just between you and me, though... if I was head of the CIA, Autism Speaks would outrank Al-Qaida on the extremist organizations list. Hell, I think it would be funny to see all these Autism Speaks supporters getting stopped in the security line at the airport because they're on the no-fly list. It would serve them right. Alas, it's not like they send out suicide bombers to autistic individuals homes, which makes them all the more dangerous as they plot our genocide behind closed doors, becuase no one can prove their final solution.
"Yeah, so this one time, I tried playing poker with tarot cards... got a full house, and about four people died." ~ Unknown comedian
Happy New Year from WP's resident fortune-teller! May the cards be ever in your favor.