I think a good thing, if it works. Record baby, edit out cries, burps, and discover the real base of language. They all babble, then some start speaking Chinese, some English.
And some do not follow the pattern, and sub patterns are important. Running a tape through a computer is a lot cheaper than parents bringing children in to be observed by mear humans, who we all know, have good and bad days, but they all want money.
Next we have the autistic babies have Furbie toys, that teach them to speak the dominate language.
A kid I knew well from being a baby did indeed babble, I could not understand, but her slightly older sister understood every babble. At fifteen the older sister shocked me, she started speaking in whole sentences! Language is learned in steps,
The next step is Universal Babble, starting from a common starting point, Arabic and Chinese babies babble the same, they could all have Furbies that teach them Universal Baby Talk! Starting as a world wide second language, it could become Planet Standard in a generation or two.
It is nothing for the existing technology in computers, and WiFi Furbies.
Autism is a good excuse, but the real problem is humans, we must cure them before they destroy the planet. A common language, an early education through computer fed toys, we might have a chance.
It would also develop a computer/human language, computers say they understand the autistc, but the rest use words that lack meaning, You know!
Babies are kept in cages for a few years, we should make the most of it.