Tequila wrote:
I saw this when it was originally transmitted here. It's a lovely documentary; the awkward romance is so sweet - rare to see things like this these days.

I actually spoke to one of them before on my YouTube page...

Alex and that girl are now actually dating each other fully now, I think they might get married soon, I don't know, I should check out her YouTube channel.
Thanks for sharing the video, I remember it being broadcasted in my area too... yet Tom seems to remind me of me in a weird way with the tantrums and meltdowns... However the only problem is I can cope in social situations abit more than I used to and I used to get angry just like Tom did but I never really use psychical violence towards anyone yet I would throw a big fit back then because nobody would seem to understand me and I don't seem to know why and plus I felt I wasn't accepted in society.
I would rate this documentary 5 stars.
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