Many researchers note that people with autism seem hypersensitive to sights and sounds. In 2007, based partly on this finding, Kamila Markram and Henry Markram and Tania Rinaldi of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne set out a theory of autism dubbed the "intense world syndrome" (Frontiers in Neuroscience, vol 1, p 77). According to this, autism is caused by a hyperactive brain that makes everyday sensory experiences overwhelming.
I guess it's nice that somebody is finally figuring these things out, but it really upsets me when I read statements like that and I know that they could have known this THIRTY YEARS AGO, if they had only ASKED AN AUTISTIC PERSON what they were experiencing.
The first time I saw a 20/20 news item on Autism in the early 1980s and the reporter asked the researcher being interviewed what caused the Autistic children to rock and sway the way they did (maybe the term 'stimming' hadn't been coined at that point, IDK). The researcher said "We really don't know that yet"
I was 22, undiagnosed and sitting at home in tears, screaming at my television set "
I KNOW WHY THEY DO IT! They're overwhelmed by sensory stimuli"
The analogy that came to mind was what happens to mice when they eat poison containing strychnine - it causes the entire nervous system to become hypersensitive to any and all stimulus, setting off uncontrollable convulsions, until the rodent's body seizes up and it becomes unable to breathe and dies. Autism is like a constant, low-grade version of that, thus the anxiety and panic attacks, and the tendency to stim to fend off becoming overwhelmed by it. If I didn't sway side-to-side or rock back and forth on the balls of my feet almost constantly, I would go insane in no time at all. It's as though that movement helps burn off the heightened adrenaline created by a 'fight or flight' mechanism that (somewhat akin to a leaky faucet) never completely shuts off.
My point being, even before I knew for sure my condition was neurologically related to what those children were experiencing (and that's when I first began to suspect it was), I, and people like me could have saved somebody a hell of a lot of time and research, if they had only bothered to ask the questions to the people who had the damned disorder!
Now, we on WP talk about these things amongst ourselves all the time. Why don't they just sit down and read some of the threads here? They might find enough astonishing revelations to write themselves a Nobel prize-winning paper on Autism. I'm glad this woman who has the condition is doing what she's doing, it's about time - it's just frustrating to me that the Non-Autistic 'professionals' who ponificate so often on our sad condition never bother to ask US to explain what Autism is and what it's like - they already
have all the answers.