Ari Ne eman assaulted online by Cureby Vaccine Conspiracists

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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07 Apr 2010, 6:41 am ... ility.html

Ari was invited to be on the NCD by President Obama. So an organised group of people, mainly parents who think their kids were brain damaged by vaccines, have organized a petition against him. They openly say they HATE NEURODIVERSITY and only want to cure Autism.

That of course involves changing peoples brains from the way they were born and grew up. Sounds safe, eh?

Link about and here's the dirt. My favourite part is paragraph 4, about how Ari is working for Big Pharma.... :twisted:

Dear President Obama:

We the undersigned oppose the nomination of Ari Ne'eman to the National Council on Disability. Although we salute your effort to include a person with an autism spectrum disorder on the council, the choice of Mr. Ne'eman is wrong for the autism community and wrong for our country.

1) We are a nation in the throes of an autism epidemic, with 1 in 110 afflicted and hundreds of thousands of families struggling to confront the enormous financial and emotional hardships of this disorder. It is an insult to our community and to the people of this nation who will bear the enormous costs of millions of children and adults with autism that a 22-year-old student has been nominated to this position. Mr. President, how can you praise this nominee's "depth of experience" when he has not held a job, earned a degree or experienced life after college?

2) Mr. Ne'eman vehemently opposes curing autism, calling cure "offensive." However, many individuals who would benefit from a cure are incapable of disagreeing with him. Mr. President, will your appointees also recommend ending the search for cures for childhood cancer and diabetes? Or just autism? Mr. Ne'eman opposes the mission of the country's leading autism organization, Autism Speaks, which supports efforts to prevent and cure autism. He also opposes the depiction of autism as a crisis and does not address the very significant needs of the large population of individuals who are profoundly disabled by autism.

For a member of the National Council on Disability to not advocate for a cure on behalf of tens of thousands of people who suffer from disabling problems such as self injury, inability to speak, incontinence and dependence on others for their care - and who will cost society $3-5 million over a lifetime - is unconscionable. To fight against prevention and cure for such a serious disorder is inhumane and not representative of the majority in the autism community or the general population. Mr. Ne'eman's views are extremist.

3) Finite resources will not stretch far enough to support the large number of people now diagnosed with autism. Without making the goals of prevention and cure a top priority, there will not be sufficient funding to adequately provide for the growing population of people with autism, rendering Mr. Ne'eman's goal of providing better quality of life for those on the autism spectrum unachievable.

4) Many aspects of Mr. Ne'eman's agenda coincide with the interests of the pharmaceutical industry, and he is publicly promoted and supported by individuals and organizations close to that industry. He harshly criticizes non-pharmaceutical treatments that have been clinically proven to benefit individuals on the autism spectrum. Research he does not support could lead to safer and more effective treatments for people on the autism spectrum.

5) Rather than unifying the autism community, Mr. Ne'eman divides it. He equates the search for a cure with outright rejection of all autistic people. Mr. Ne'eman and a small faction within the autism community may personally oppose prevention and cure as is their right, but they do not represent the majority of people on the spectrum, particularly those who are so impaired that they face a lifetime in institutional settings at taxpayers' expense.

6) He erroneously claims the concept of recovery from autism is not scientifically supported. However, recovered individuals have been documented by medical science, and one university study puts the potential for recovery from autism at 10% (of children with autism). His denial of the possibility of recovery will impede efforts to improve the lives of people on the autism spectrum. Mr. Ne'eman, a very high-functioning individual whom Newsweek magazine described as a "master networker" and"fluent in policy-speak" does not require the interventions and treatments he disparages. He does not acknowledge the pain, isolation and life-threatening behaviors of our community's neediest individuals, nor their need for recovery or lessening of their associated medical problems and autistic behaviors.

7) The late Dr. Bernard Rimland challenged the prevailing "refrigerator mother" theory and replaced it with the theory that autism is a biological disorder. Despite Dr. Rimland’s important role in removing the burden of guilt from parents, Mr. Ne'eman now calls on the autism community to stop admiring Dr.Rimland and find new heroes. Among his contributions, Dr. Rimland championed vitamin B-6/magnesium therapy which has been conclusively shown to confer benefits to about half of all children and adults with autism who use it. Thousands have benefitted, but Ne'eman maligns Dr. Rimland and belittles his contributions. Mr. Ne’eman’s vilification of a great hero of the autism community is further evidence of his estrangement from the people he is meant to represent.

8) Mr. Ne'eman has obscured the harsh reality of autism with rhetoric. His littany of words - "paradigms, infrastructures, neurodiversity" - does not address the real life problems of people with autism, particularly those most profoundly impaired. Rhetoric and denial will not end the suffering. It will not provide futures for people with autism. And it will not prevent the next generation from being afflicted.

Soooo...we gonna just roll over and let them do this to him? COUNTER PETITION ANYONE?? I'm not American sadly, but you guys out there in the USA? :))


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07 Apr 2010, 7:57 am

I hate refrigerator moms. They believe that if they just stick a button or a symbol on their blouse they all a suddenly know everything about what they "Support". This is why I believe we should encourage individuals to do their own research on the spectrum than just blindly follow the at best skewed visions of many so-called "Non-profit" organisations.


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07 Apr 2010, 10:08 am

I think that I'm going to lose my breakfast, now. That's just sick.

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07 Apr 2010, 10:26 am

CockneyRebel wrote:
I think that I'm going to lose my breakfast, now. That's just sick.

I know how you feel I just got up when I've read it too


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07 Apr 2010, 11:18 am

<sarcasm>I love how they worded item 4.</sarcasm>

Just enough to avoid a slander lawsuit while still making an unsubstantiated accusation.

With that said however, I am not totally sure if Ari is the best choice.


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07 Apr 2010, 12:27 pm

demeus wrote:
<sarcasm>I love how they worded item 4.</sarcasm>

Just enough to avoid a slander lawsuit while still making an unsubstantiated accusation.

With that said however, I am not totally sure if Ari is the best choice.

Neither am I, but I know who is NOT the best choice.

Seriously, I'm all for freedom to petition the government (as is our 1st Amendment right) but this is ridiculous. I hope Obama chucks this letter right into the fire. Stupid refrigerator moms. They may want a cure for autism, but what they really need is a cure for stupidity and Sheeple Syndrome.

Which brings to mind a funny Japanese proverb I remember hearing: Baka wa shininakya naoranai. Roughly translated, it means "Unless an idiot dies, they won't be cured."

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07 Apr 2010, 12:43 pm

Roxas_XIII wrote:
demeus wrote:
<sarcasm>I love how they worded item 4.</sarcasm>

Just enough to avoid a slander lawsuit while still making an unsubstantiated accusation.

With that said however, I am not totally sure if Ari is the best choice.

Neither am I, but I know who is NOT the best choice.

Seriously, I'm all for freedom to petition the government (as is our 1st Amendment right) but this is ridiculous. I hope Obama chucks this letter right into the fire. Stupid refrigerator moms. They may want a cure for autism, but what they really need is a cure for stupidity and Sheeple Syndrome.

Which brings to mind a funny Japanese proverb I remember hearing: Baka wa shininakya naoranai. Roughly translated, it means "Unless an idiot dies, they won't be cured."

This receives Ebonwinter's Stamp of approval!



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07 Apr 2010, 1:38 pm

On the letterhead of this so-called 'Newspaper', it says they are sponsored by "the leader in quality compounded medications for Autism"

As I understand it, the global medical community does not recognize any medication as effective for Autism. How can you represent quack medications and expect your opinion on a health issue to carry any weight?

But I agree, there needs to be a counter petition representing those who actually HAVE Autism. Someplace on the Web, where Americans with Autism will be likely to see and sign it...someplace like...hmmm...


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07 Apr 2010, 1:41 pm

Well I have noticed that in point 4 of the open letter that they state that they dislike the pharmaceutical industry. But one of the sponsors of the site displaying the open letter is sponsored by DAN.

DAN favour chelation treatment for autism.

Health is a state of physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity :alien: I am not a jigsaw, I am a free man !

Diagnosed under the DSM5 rules with autism spectrum disorder, under DSM4 psychologist said would have been AS (299.80) but I suspect that I am somewhere between 299.80 and 299.00 (Autism) under DSM4.


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07 Apr 2010, 2:12 pm

HoxtonPaul wrote:

Look at some of the comments under the article. These people believe in that vaccine nonsense and there's absolutely no scientific validity to that.


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07 Apr 2010, 3:08 pm

I love how, among all the stuff about how painful and disabling and horrible autism is for the autistic person, the letter writer sneaks in that little bit about how much autistic people - not even hiding behind the "distinction" between autism and autistics this time around - will cost society. :roll: Nice unfortunate implications there.

I can't honestly say that these nutters would come to allow ANY person on the autism spectrum to take this position, really. It's highly unlikely that the members of the autism community they're focused on, the severely affected, will ever receive a nomination as things stand now. However, any high-functioning person would get shot down as not being a real representative of the autism community (read: parents of autistic kids) - and possibly as being proof against their belief that autism is worse than cancer and diabetes combined or whatever. Really, they're probably just hoping that some Autism Speaks mook gets the position, and thus that the curebies maintain a (near-)monopoly in the autism dialogue and policy-making in this country.


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07 Apr 2010, 3:24 pm

BokeKaeru wrote:
I love how, among all the stuff about how painful and disabling and horrible autism is for the autistic person, the letter writer sneaks in that little bit about how much autistic people - not even hiding behind the "distinction" between autism and autistics this time around - will cost society. :roll: Nice unfortunate implications there.

I can't honestly say that these nutters would come to allow ANY person on the autism spectrum to take this position, really. It's highly unlikely that the members of the autism community they're focused on, the severely affected, will ever receive a nomination as things stand now. However, any high-functioning person would get shot down as not being a real representative of the autism community (read: parents of autistic kids) - and possibly as being proof against their belief that autism is worse than cancer and diabetes combined or whatever. Really, they're probably just hoping that some Autism Speaks mook gets the position, and thus that the curebies maintain a (near-)monopoly in the autism dialogue and policy-making in this country.

I do not understand why they hate autism so much. Comparing it to cancer or a terminal illness is foolish beyond belief. I wish to cause them to become autistic or put them in a world where they are constantly treated like how they treat us.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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07 Apr 2010, 3:50 pm

(Hey, you all know I work for Big Pharma really? Its run by this really cool bunch of Greys. They landed a few 100 years ago and since then...)


I just posted this on John Best's HateAutism blog and on some Cureby paranoid Ari-is-the-Antichrist site.

I work in the world of Autism every week, with people who cannot speak and bite themselves, with people who have degrees but no social skills, parents, educators, you name them in London England. I've done this for the past four years in various roles in the Nas. I have a formal diagnosis from 2004, at the age of 41.

It seems to work like this:

There is a hierarchy no one is acknowledging, with different needs to each tier.

So the lowest functioners need support, and cures and treatments may make things worse (feel okay about injecting your child with drugs to 'improve' their minds? That means changing brain chemistry you know. Will the cures of the future always be 100% safe and reliable? Will they actually exist?)

But families need support, and people with Autism who self harm and have no bowel control, recognizable consciousness, they need appropriate support. FUNDED BY THE STATE.

People who are better functioning but have social skills problems, cannot relate to people and have obsessions, sensory issues etc. ARE A DIFFERENT RACE. Same as the Lower functioner's but they can handle things differently to the point that they can matriculate, drive cars, talk etc!


Finally you have my level, and beyond. I'm married to someone with a diagnosis, same age, ex science teacher, several degrees and doing a Phd now.

So what's going on? PEOPLE ARE SEEING EVERYONE AS IF THEY WERE ALL THE SAME. They are not, there are different needs for different levels of functionality.

Simple enough to me. Ari has made mistakes in his defence/championing of the highest functioners, he's only 22 now. Parents are going mad out there, some people with Autism are suicidal and some do it.

So, different levels of support, different perspectives. Lets get things right.



Ari is just a 22 year old high functioning Autistic adult, young, and trying to make sense of a world that rejects disfunctionality. He like so many has a disability, and wants people with Autism to be accepted into society, given jobs, and respect.

So you all demonize him. Rip his every word to pieces to further your goals of using your own children as lab rats for 'cures' that do not exist, nor ever may no matter how much money you spend or belief you all have. You all know that.

Yet you all love your children. You will all do anything to save them from mental disability. That is natural.

If only parents here would sit down with Autistic people who do not share your views. You'd see we, yes we, are not your enemy. Your paranoid conspiracy theory quests against faceless drug companies make fools of you all.

We must all come together and work together, else what will happen when the research fails and the 'cures' do not work.

You all will get your money, your research and test your cures on children. You know that will happen.

So what if it fails? What then? Tell us all? Please?

One day Neurodiversity may be all you have left. The concept of respect and acceptance.


The petition actually lives here:

I could write a reply and post it here and everyone have a say in editing it, then we post it and get more signatures than their 250 odd??????? :twisted:




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08 Apr 2010, 12:22 am

Ari preaches acceptance, yet his only act has been to protest other points of view in the streets, trying to disrupt Autism Speaks Walks for Autism.

His six minions have been called on spreading Hate Speech on WP.

They did not accept my disagreeing.

"There is a hierarchy no one is acknowledging, with different needs to each tier."

Accept that reality varies, some do get the worst of it, and acceptance changes nothing.

Some get less, and with early childhood intervention life can get better. Ari does not accept this.

The highest functioning still could use some help, We live in the world, but I am still looking for the guide book. I am not looking for acceptance for being lost in some social ways, I want to get un lost.

Ari is Acceptance, and that does not work for low, middle, or high functioning.

When it comes to a National Board, it would be good to have an Autistic Person. It should be someone who knows that Autism is a range, and besides different treatments needed, there are also families who share more than a small part of the problems.

An Autistic that would speak for everyone involved.

That is not Ari on several counts.


That is a much greater goal than Acceptance.

The main problem we face at all levels is a lack of knowledge. It takes Research to shut down the wacko Quacks, to establish guidelines of best practices, and there is no one size fits all answer.

Bad mothers, Vaccines, metals, have all been disproved, through Research supported in part by Autism Speaks.

Broad Science is our best hope of at least finding out where we are wrong.

The many levels of Autism are but part of the problem. Many more are affected in the families of Autistics. Having an autistic child impacts parents, siblings, and directly affects at least three times as many people. They too need support.

A person chosen to speak for Autism, must speak for all involved.

This includes the Scientific Community, the state of current research, and the reality of the limits of science.

This involves Government spending at all levels, and how much can be done with limited funds.

Autism is a great expense on the whole of the people, and the amount spent on all research is less than 1% of the ongoing costs.

We need to support more research, a cure may be a dream, we do know childhood intervention works sometimes, and many blend in as adults. Proper support in childhood does seem to offer the best outcome, for the person, and for lifetime costs.

That is going to cost more than current spending levels, will call for research to develop programs, but can offer lower costs and higher productivity, and quality of life.

Autism is one big problem and must be dealt with as a whole.

Can we win? We can score some points, it will last decades, but we can improve lives and scientific understanding.

Ari and Acceptance is throwing away other people's best hope.


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08 Apr 2010, 3:21 pm

HoxtonPaul wrote:

I just posted this on John Best's HateAutism blog and on some Cureby paranoid Ari-is-the-Antichrist site.

I would rather you did take care, we need to avoid a web site war. If you go around to John Best's blog and leave some comments there and then state here that you have done it then it is possible that you might provoke some of the neurobigots to come here and start upsetting people.

I am sure that the mods have plenty to do without having to try to deal with a website war.

Bear in mind that the rules here say "what goes on another web site does not go on here".

Health is a state of physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity :alien: I am not a jigsaw, I am a free man !

Diagnosed under the DSM5 rules with autism spectrum disorder, under DSM4 psychologist said would have been AS (299.80) but I suspect that I am somewhere between 299.80 and 299.00 (Autism) under DSM4.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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11 Apr 2010, 12:02 pm

Thanks for that. I am new to all of this.

I did not mention posting anywhere on any other site to any of the people I've mentioned. So John Best has no idea about these postings, nor the Conspiracy Theorists on Age of Autism

Anyone else think John Best is a typical Aspie - Dad, unaware of how much he is on the spectrum?

I think so many parents are so high functioning they do not realize just where their children's Autism came from.

I will remember your advice in future.

Anyone else noticed the language and behaviour of the Vaccine Conspiracy people is really 'out there' and paranoid and wierd? Read the links below about MENTAL ILLNESS IN THE PARENTS OF AUTISTIC PEOPLE. ... h.genetics ... ml?ref=rss

HO HO, EH? John Best indeed. :wink: