My coach suggested I volunteer at Giant Steps, which is a non-profit organisation for autism which has its headquarters a few blocks away from my house. They've got a school for autistic kids with a waiting list of 600 people. So I checked out their site, and their home page had this to say about their students:
"...ces enfants tout en éclats de vie et de talents, frappés d'un invisible mal, qui voudrait les retenir captifs, l'autisme... Tout gain fait reculer l'autisme. Des petits pas, mais contre un tel ennemi, des pas de Géant..."
A rough translation: "these children shining with life and talent, affected by an invisible evil that would hold them captive, autism... Every gain pushes back autism. Little steps, but against such an enemy, Giant steps."
>: ( Not cool, people. I'm not possessed or held prisoner by my Asperger's. Autism isn't some evil monster you have to vanquish, it's just a name for a collection of my qualities and quirks. It's part of who I am. Get rid of it, and you get rid of many of the things that make me ME. HELP ME, by all means, but don't think of me as a victim.
The rest of the site seems okay, though. Their methods include behavior therapy, music therapy, games therapy, speech therapy. It all seems quite benign, except for that offensive home page.
I'm new to this whole aspie subculture thing, but I've read those articles about Autism Speaks and stuff. Largely, I've had very little support for my disorders until recently, so I'd been looking at this conflict from the sidelines. It didn't affect ME. Now it does. This place is three blocks away from my house!! O_o
[insert nerdy quotation here]
Last edited by Mishi_Sings on 19 Sep 2008, 11:41 am, edited 1 time in total.