What to watch out for if you need a psychological evaluation
Psychologists and psychiatrists who are asked to make an evaluation can do more harm than an amateur if they are not properly trained in understanding autism. If you need an evaluation it is very important to be certasin that the psychologist and/or psychhiatrist is a specialist in autism. Otherwise, you can end up with a damaging misdiagnosed personality disorder diagnosis. When those who are not qualified ask us questions, those who do not understand how we think and reason will be too easily offended by answers we give. I had to take an evaluation last year to appeal the FAA revoking all my pilot licenses when they found out that I have autism. During the evaluation, I took an IQ test, during which I was asked about the Faust legend, which began with Christopher Marlow's "Dr. Faustus" but eventually caused Goethe to ask why Faust should be damned only for wanting to learn, giving us the great epic in which Faust is redeemed because Mephistopheles could not present him with an earthly pleasure that would make him "lay down on a bed of sloth" and exclaim, "Let this linger on forever for it is so fair!" Always having hated sports and pop culture, I mentioned that baseball song that says, "I don't care if I ever get back" (from the patently meaningless activity of watching someone endeavour to hit a ball with a stick and run around in circles) as an example of sports fans wanting to make the ball park that very bed of sloth and wanting the game to linger on forever for it is so fair.
I did not know till several weeks after the evaluation that I was given a personality diaorder diagnosis of narcissism because I has shown disrespect for pop culture and insensitivity for the feelings of those who love sports so passionately that they react to it by exclaiming "Let this linger on forever for it is so fair!" and because I had an arrogant and rebellious attitude towards normal society considering sports stars and rock stars as better than scientists and concert artists.
The report said such things as "He must question everyone and everything, struggling to accept anything without trying to analyze or rationalize it. Thus, when decisions are made based on social preference or in terms of the needs of the many, he struggles to comprehend their value. For example, he was unaware why others might be offended by a pornographic painting he entered into an art show." The painting was of something the Marlboro Cowboy was doing to his horse that is too indelicate to specify without risking trespass upon the rules of content of these posts, but I painted it to make a social protest against public smoking which was well known to cause tens of thousands of non smokers to die in the United States every year. I thought killing innocent people was morally inferior to a social custom that says there is nothing wrong with it and my imagination is too feeble to conceive of anything as pornographic as a cigarette advertizement.
The psychologist who attempted the evaluation was a very competent person when working with most kinds of people but who interpreted things autistic people think as deliberate callousness towards the feelings and needs of all others and of society.
I had the evaluation done again by an autism specialist followed by a former Johns Hopkins Medical School psychiatry professor and autism researcher. For this evaluation I prepared a videotaped lecture I made to explain how I use what I learned in school rather than impossible to understand arbitrary social customs that often contradict each other to derive how every sentient creature has intrinsic dignity. I supplied references to the textbooks giving chapters I used and I took recourse to time dependent perturbation theory from my class notes in second semester quantum mechanics class to prove that there is only probability and not determinism of which electrons will change state in which order as molecules in our brains underggo the chemical reactions that manifest themselves as our thoughts, our decisios and our actions. I used this to prove a measure of responsibility and dignity and explained how I apply it to such things as not to do violent or dangerous things to people or animals (except for self defense) and not to lie even if it requires us to answer questions with answers that some people do not want to hear. Both the psychologist and the psychiatrist outlined for me the list of behaviours that make up every personality disorder in question and wrote a report on why I do not emulate any of them. I also figured out that the psychological process known as "rationalization", which has nothing to do with multiplying numerators and denominators of fractions by roots of numbers that transform denominators into integers, could be understood by taking a dvd course in Dante Alighieri's "Divine Comedy". Canto 27 of Book the First shows how society can rationalize some horrible things, such as selling tobacco products and offering those who take that job where they are expected to do so a promise that they will not be responsible for what the customer will do to non smokers including children. It perfectly matches Pope Boniface VIII telling Guido da Montefeltro that by society's highest moral authority, the Pope, that the massicre he is asked to mastermind is morally acceptable.
My way of figuring out such important matters of right and wrong by using physics course material and studying classical literature I admit is not as sophisticated as the way normal people do it without even having to think, but I feel safer figuring it out my way because the Pope Boniface VIIIs of the world will be dismissed as irrelevant even if they become frustrated and accuse people like me of being too rigid at times. The properly trained psychologist and the psychiatrist assured me that there was nothing wrong with it. A professional advocate has used their reports to appeal the taking away of my pilot licenses.
I needed to fight back against such Jim Crow laws that define all autistic people as an inferior race complete with negative stereotypes because such racism is wrong and because the intrinsic dignity of every individual demands the right to be different so long as we are not hurting anyone. Such Jim Crow laws as denying perfectly qualified autistic people the right to earn and to use pilot licenses in a responsible manner ate consistent with other hate crimes that are committed against people who are bnot exactly like the majority. I have logged over 4500 hours of pilot time with never a violation before I experienced this racism.
Bi-polar is the it diagnosis today and every phycatrist I've been to has tried to change my diagnosis from AS to BP so they can dope me up on Abilify. Phycatrists are nothing more than glorfied drug dealers anyway.
Get a good lawer and SUE the pants off these people for discrimanation.
I'm not weird, you're just too normal.