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Last edited by neoFoucault on 27 Jan 2011, 11:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Look. The bottom line is a liberal is a damn hippie. A redneck is a damn republican most of the time unless they smoke pot then they are a damn redneck with hippie tendencies. A Yuppie can be either or because well they either smoke pot and don't go to church or don't smoke pot and have different values then the later. The yuppies of all ages just tend to dress like professionals despite needing to or not.
The problem with the oppression theory is you don't got the audacity to be constructive enough and take your piece of the world and get others to do the same. If you sit and think about how the world is wrong and don't do much other then complain then it's your own doing. That's tough love from Professor Yuppie.
Nathan Young
The peer politics creating intolerance toward compassion is coming to an end. Pity accusations, indifferent advocacy against isolation awareness and for pride in an image of autism is injustice.
The problem with the oppression theory is you don't got the audacity to be constructive enough and take your piece of the world and get others to do the same. If you sit and think about how the world is wrong and don't do much other then complain then it's your own doing. That's tough love from Professor Yuppie.
Nathan Young
There isn't just black and white, don't you see shades of gray?
The problem with the oppression theory is you don't got the audacity to be constructive enough and take your piece of the world and get others to do the same. If you sit and think about how the world is wrong and don't do much other then complain then it's your own doing. That's tough love from Professor Yuppie.
Nathan Young
There isn't just black and white, don't you see shades of gray?
The post was a joke because when smart people do not believe in absolute fact and subjectivity it seems to become rather irrational and develops complexes. I'm not paid to analyze the post. I can scan over it and see that it is false fact leading to another false fact in context to the subject but I don't really want to figure out this topic and find the facts of the reason why false facts are being presented in-depth. I'm asking that instead of explaining why the world is unjust no matter the belief as to why it is to stop letting these external perceived manifestions be your dictators in your minds as the limitations. Political nonsense leads to further nonsense and I could explain the various subscriptions of manurers to motivate less attention to it as well.
1. Horse Pooh.
2. Bull Pooh
3. Chicken Pooh
4. Other forms of pooh descriptors are rare.
Instead of simply shades there are smells as well but pooh depends on the intellectual diet and do you have a specific dietary need?
Nathan Young
The peer politics creating intolerance toward compassion is coming to an end. Pity accusations, indifferent advocacy against isolation awareness and for pride in an image of autism is injustice.
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Last edited by neoFoucault on 27 Jan 2011, 11:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Notice in the video the chess pieces are side by side blue and red and in this symbolic manifestions in context let's call the blue liberals and the red republicans. For the sake of the context let's just say both and any other party is not the perfect path. Liberty, freedom and equality for individuals with autism cannot depend on either party but at times both but most of the time you yourself as a person with autism and others with autism.
If you are a hardcore hippie on an acid trip the video is even more awesome dudes and dude-ets!
The peer politics creating intolerance toward compassion is coming to an end. Pity accusations, indifferent advocacy against isolation awareness and for pride in an image of autism is injustice.
This stance of yours is covered already in Skillen's "Ruling Illusions", it is the epitome of bourgeois ideology, and it is premised on the view that the world is just, therefore individuals have the opportunity to live freely in the world, therefore any problems the individual has are either the individual's fault or a fault in the individual. It has as a logical correlate hatred of black people, poor people, and the Third World, since on this account, since they are poor, persecuted and criminalised, they must deserve it. As well as being racist, imperialist and anti-poor (and by extension anti-autistic whenever autistic people fall foul of the system), its fatal flaw is that it puts beyond critique the characteristics of a dominant system which is a social not a natural construct, and which is constructed from some perspectives rather than others. It denies for instance the role of the observer in socially constructing particular actions/attributes as deviant. To be cured of the illusion that the existing social order is not socially constructed, it is only necessary to spend a few hours reading snippets on anthropology, so as to appreciate the sheer diversity in human cultures and societies and the contingency and locality of what is taken for granted in any single culture.
PS: those of us opposed to the system *do* take our piece of the world from time to time, look up autonomia, autonome, SPK, May 68, the problem is that the authoritarians have a nasty habit of sending the tanks against us. "Wherever whatever-singularities come together, the state is sure to unleash a Tiananmen" (Agamben). The mistake in your analysis is in thinking that conforming to dominant models of subjectivity amounts to taking a piece of the world rather than accepting the master's rewards for compliance. You demand responsibility from the poor, but deny your own responsibility in contributing to sustaining a system which upholds oppression.
PPS: do I detect a hint of anti-intellectualism here? If so, please throw away your computer, it was designed by evil intellectuals who think too much I am proud to be someone who bases my beliefs on knowledge and not on the dogmas of "common sense", to be otherwise is to be enslaved to the ideology of the era, submerged in someone else's story about the world.
Dude where is my car? If your confident in your thinking then go for it but comfortability to any way of thinking by demand will not be universally fruitful. Let's see how far it gets you. If you go far then don't worry about the car question. I am not even going to defend myself but if that's the archetype of me you perceive whether it is generic or not for others that you think are certain ways of thinking then feel free to expand you mind in legal ways. My mentality is I got to work with what is and base it on probabilities of outcome. My best suggestion is to find your personal liberation because most people are going to be lost with what your saying whether they got autism, don't have autism or simply got milk either which way.
The peer politics creating intolerance toward compassion is coming to an end. Pity accusations, indifferent advocacy against isolation awareness and for pride in an image of autism is injustice.
Last edited by ci on 24 Jan 2011, 3:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Last edited by neoFoucault on 27 Jan 2011, 11:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
What makes you think I'm even from America?
Are you Chinese and if so do you believe in communism because your a higher economic class or a lower economic class? Here in California folks call Democrats liberal and Republicans the right at times. I'm having a sense of humor because your style is unique to your own and I'm trying to converse with you.
The peer politics creating intolerance toward compassion is coming to an end. Pity accusations, indifferent advocacy against isolation awareness and for pride in an image of autism is injustice.
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Last edited by neoFoucault on 27 Jan 2011, 11:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I'm not looking up anything. The problem is you began with the N.T concept and since it's so very vague even more then the so called autism perspective which is a perspective of each individual uniquely. You began with this falacy but after that I am sure there is some premise and especially from your perspective which is valid. I'm simply annoyed by the NTism and Autism perspective assumptions.
The peer politics creating intolerance toward compassion is coming to an end. Pity accusations, indifferent advocacy against isolation awareness and for pride in an image of autism is injustice.
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Last edited by neoFoucault on 27 Jan 2011, 11:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Do you deny that the current system privileges NT people over autistic people?
Do you deny that there is a dominant ideology of the system, and that this ideology has arisen historically from those groups with most access to social voice?
The dominant ideology is a variety of NT-supremacy. It involves assumptions of what "people" are like, and what it is reasonable to expect of people, which come from assuming "people" are NT (as well as a whole list of other things). It is also, for example, racist. It involves assumptions of what "people" are like which actually reflect white culture. This doesn't mean all NT's are NT-supremacists, just as it doesn't mean all white people are racists. (Nor does it mean all NT's, or all white people, benefit from the dominant ideology). It does, however, mean that everyone (NT or autistic, black or white) has to explicitly reject NT-supremacy (or racism) or else they will reproduce it, and hence reproduce its oppressive effects on the subordinate group. It isn't something one can simply reject by saying "we're all alike" or acting colour-blind. This type of analysis is pretty basic in anti-racist theory, feminism and Queer Theory, I'm just applying it sideways (and a bit surprised I need to explain it).
On terminology. Outside America, "liberal" generally means "pro-capitalist and right-wing" (usually moderately right-wing). In movements against oppression, "liberal" refers to varieties of a movement (say, feminism, gay rights, anti-racism) which thinks equality can be won within the dominant system, by expanding its categories a bit (hence "liberal feminist", "black liberal", etc). It's contrasted with "radical" versions which believe the basic antagonism is irreconcilable (e.g. all men oppress all women - radical feminism), and socialist, Marxist, anarchist, autonomous, and liberationist versions which all posit variants on the hypothesis that oppression arises from the dominant system (hence "black liberationist", "autonomous feminist", "anarcha-feminist"). In contrast to the other two labels, "liberal" has connotations of moderation, and "letting the system off the hook". Obviously I'm in the third group (not the second as you seem to have assumed). I think autistic-liberals let down autistic people (and other oppressed groups) by conspiring in the reproduction of a dominant figure of humanity which is covertly NT (and white, male, straight, etc). I also follow Wilhelm Reich's analysis, that there are a particular subgroup of people who have developed "authoritarian personalities" and who form the bulk of the pressure towards repression, judgementality and repressive norms. This group in particular will deny any advancement towards liberation if they can. I don't know if an autistic person can also have an authoritarian personality (I doubt it, since it requires high status-alertness). I do know a lot of NT's aren't. And since you can't be bothered to look things up: whatever-singularity means all of us are unique and have different perspectives. It also means - as a logical correlate of this - that the imposition of a dominant system or a unitary moral or legal code is necessarily misanthropic.
Cut out the N.T vs. Aspie and so on jargon. The separatism is idiopathic and is quite clear. You want an autism party and in doing so your trying to argue certain styles of N.Tism is not autism perspectives as well. Fine if your imagination is like this I will find a idiopathic model myself to just make everyone you intend to be modeled in your image be able to think freely about certain subjects without pressure to conform to so called non-conformity which is a form of conformity none-the-less. Conclusively and shortly what is your intent of this post toward individuals with autism?
The peer politics creating intolerance toward compassion is coming to an end. Pity accusations, indifferent advocacy against isolation awareness and for pride in an image of autism is injustice.
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Last edited by neoFoucault on 27 Jan 2011, 11:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I'm not a political nut and don't even read about politics. What I am saying by idiopathic in slang terms is essentially your tact is not really effective because your being to rigid in your model and separatism means your separating from the norm. It's easy to separate from the norm for me because I don't tend to pay attention to it but in the subjective sense people with autism of course other-times do. I'm not a liberal or a Republican or anything else that I know of precisely. Your mentality is to rebel but I am asking what is the point of rebelling if I don't really feel the need to and if I don't feel to and I'm classified in assumption as something in your mode of thinking why should I care to feel obligated to or anyone else. Your using allot of words I can understand but I'm frankly just not interested because as a persuader your failing to enlighten me as to why I should bother going along with the scheme as there is no purpose.
The likelihood of your succeeding in this grander whatever it may be is quite small but I suggest you find a mode of thinking that just gets to the point. It's just my best guess and while I'd like to share some more banter with you I just got another video featuring a crazy political N.T as you might call the person. I just don't see N.T and Autism as good ways to approach politics like you are because it's trying to enforcing an absurd relevancy for those that at times feel kind of left out from the normal world.
The peer politics creating intolerance toward compassion is coming to an end. Pity accusations, indifferent advocacy against isolation awareness and for pride in an image of autism is injustice.
Zap! And FIZZLE!
That right there is an all too frequently seen red flag of one who sees anyone who disagrees with him/her as "close minded."
And reason enough to be glad I didn't waste my time reading the OP's entire post, much less the entire thread.
With valuable time, and better things to do, I bid you "Adieu!"
I'm not likely to be around much longer. As before when I first signed up here years ago, I'm finding that after a long hiatus, and after only a few days back on here, I'm spending way too much time here again already. So I'm requesting my account be locked, banned or whatever. It's just time. Until then, well, I dunno...
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