I know I have benefited from alot of treatment...one could say my mom had the curbies. I remember clearly one time having a spinal tap done at the age of 9 years old...I screamed for hours as they were trying to stick a needle up my spinal cord. I had no choice in the matter...I felt like they were asaulting me against my will. All because the doctor said that I might have some detorating brain disease that is only testable by a spinal tap. Finally my mom heard me screaming like someone was killing me, and ran them out of the room and made them stop the procedure. This was very traumatic for me. I was a child not an illness.
There are other invasive tests that were done, my childhood was spent at the doctors office or in hospitals. Finally the help for me came from art and creativity, not from doctors.
The issue I have with finding a cure is sometimes the cure is more important than the person.
Yes, I believe in treatment, but the quest for a cure is very depersonalizing
All art is a kind of confession, more or less oblique. All artists, if they are to survive, are forced, at last, to tell the whole story; to vomit the anguish up.
-James Baldwin