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Human adversity and reproductive rights. Do parents to be have the ethical and legal rights to choose how they believe their future child should exist with all positives, some positives and at times perceived negatives?
Yes - A women has the full rights to her body and as science advances can in her own belief choose to have a engineered and or selective adaptation in the womb?? 89%  89%  [ 8 ]
No. Government should dictate this as science should not advance? 11%  11%  [ 1 ]
Total votes : 9


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07 Jan 2011, 9:36 pm

Engineering Human Perfection (Freckles & Autism)

All people should be blonde haired and have blue eyes or should all people with blonde hair and blue eyes be aborted. Not having autism does not mean a lack of intelligence or the inability to be dedicated in ones focused interest. Yet because society views in some social circles to many freckles a possibility of not fitting in or liked even by those judging should freckles be removed? Should a law exist stating people to be with freckles should be protected under the law?

If people to be with freckles are not protected by the law should then people to be with genetic autism, any palsy, epilepsy and cognitive differences be protected as well? If no law is passed should then people with disabilities be forced to have babies that do not have these differences?

Ethics, morality and political agendas have a way of making themselves rather apparent. To redefine autism to protect against a prenatal test resulting in abortion people are ignorant unless they think autism is not a disability and even people with autism who factually live their lives. Next it may be the accusation that based upon the survival of the fittest or simply survivalism in general the people with autism that do not wish to call autism a gift or simply a difference for these political reasons are self-centered and selfish to simply protect their ability to have the system sustain them in their needs. I have the uncanny ability to see these issues and the propaganda surrounding them quite clearly. I promise to be nice and I am not out to get anyone for believing a certain way but I do think for myself just so you know and I'm not afraid to say my mind no matter how much intimidation or threats.

Nathan Young


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09 Jan 2011, 2:31 pm

On a personal note I would be unable to argue for the abortion of a life diagnosed prenatally with autism if they were my own child. Even abortion in general. However I cannot lawfully control the bodies of others nor do I wish to portray others are evil or even bad for their behaviors. Just my own thoughts and my own life judgement.


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10 Jan 2011, 7:52 pm

Freckles don't impair your life in the same way that autism does. Try again.

I don't post here anymore. If you want to talk to me, go to the WP Facebook group or my account.


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10 Jan 2011, 7:53 pm

I think we are of similar thought. Sometimes proving a point requires certain methodologies in approach.


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11 Jan 2011, 5:10 am

I just cannot hold with Abortion fullstop. I get that its a womans (We should say 'person' to simplify it) right to have control over her body.
But what about the unborn child I think? Are their rights less simply because they cannot speak up yet?
I thinks its wrong, It's just the rule of power winning out again.


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11 Jan 2011, 5:27 am

nostromo wrote:
I just cannot hold with Abortion fullstop. I get that its a womans (We should say 'person' to simplify it) right to have control over her body.
But what about the unborn child I think? Are their rights less simply because they cannot speak up yet?
I thinks its wrong, It's just the rule of power winning out again.

I'm sorry I cannot really comment on this context because of my job. I welcome others to.