ASD only became an offical "disability" for the purpose of state based disability services in Australia in about 2006. Before that people could access state based disability services if they had an intellectual disability and others were only entitled to mental health services.
We do not have a right to services here and waiting lists are horrid, but it has meant that staff in disability services have had extensive training in what autism is, the different forms of it and specifically aspergers and high functioning autism. It has meant that the support people get is better than they had in the past. May not solve the problems, but they are no longer been told to take a pill and to get over it from the mental health system. They can at least have their names placed on waiting lists, and those that do get disability services are increasingly being allocated individual budgets, which they can choose to give to a non profit organistion of their own choice to manage, but they have the total choice of what services they do get, and are no longer being told what they will get by a psychiatrist. They can complain, can lodge appeals, etc, etc, all things that were not possible before.
But given that so many people in Australia think that the UK is all about people every single thing they want from social and heatlh care services, when in fact it depends entirely on where you live, with some places being great and others being absolutey horrible, it is nice to hear you say what things are really like in the UK, instead of telling how brillant it is and trying to make it better than any other country. The fact is disability everywhere is poorly funded, and it is pure luck if you get the help you need, in the way you want it provided to you.
As for politicans, tell me a politican in any country of the world, that actually cares about the real day to day lives of people and not just being in power!! They are as bad as each other in every single country of the world.