ducky9924 wrote:
HerrGrimm wrote:
draelynn wrote:
HerrGrimm wrote:
ducky9924 wrote:
They took the therma outta vaccines years ago. It doesn't matter if it causes it or not.
Completely correct. Most expired in 2003. Hepatitis B vaccines do not have thimerosal anymore.
It is still in flu vaccines...
Also completely correct. But some do not and are saved for pregnant women and other at-risk patients.
EDIT: Because they are still scared a bit. Nothing to worry about though. Huge stigma for like nothing..
Their also used in states that have banned Therma in flu shots:
"As a result of concerns about the preservative's possible side effects, California, Delaware, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, New York and Washington have banned flu vaccines containing thimerosal. All children's vaccines in the United Kingdom are thimerosal-free.
Read more: ... z1ILt7I2J0"
While the vaccine/autism link is total bunk, I personally see this as a wise move, just because putting mercury in our bodies needlessly just sounds kinda dumb. I'll still take my mercury laced vaccines over the pile of diseases that they prevent. Lets face it, our life expectancy has pretty much doubled since their creation (no one thinks thats a coincidence I hope), but if they can remove the mercury from them and still keep me polio free, huzza!
Well, the polio vaccine never had thimerosal in it, but that is extraneous.
This FDA page shows the condition of thimerosal in vaccines. Almost nothing.
As I said on another thread, mercury is in the ground, the air, and some in the food we eat. You could have a large amount of mercury in you right now. If you were susceptible to mercury, you would have autism before the vaccination, especially if you were breast-fed.
"You just like to go around rebuking people with your ravenous wolf face and snarling commentary." - Ragtime