Well folks the I Am Autism Video was removed by Autism Speaks. Even it made me kind of depressed but I don't think they intended to. You see there are lots of folks out there that just consider people like me lazy. I work 7 days a week myself and employ others with autism and DD's mostly doing candles and other products. It's supported by members of the community and is quite known here which I declared a PR war to achieve and am using the momentum for an area wide sponsored inclusion campaign for support workers to help individuals with DD to get a chance to contractually work very-part time at small and medium sized business locations onsite.
I wanted to say the psychology of the I Am Autism Video was to use the anxieties of the tax-payers about the expenses of disabilities in society and to come up with a solution with research. Now folks other then playing a few games here and there since I was ten I've been obsessed with working. I have bad sensory and transitional issues, am troubled with learning new tasks and do very well doing my own thing as customized employment. I have a support worker 6 days a week, a behaviorist and the support of local agencies in what I do.
The I am Autism Video was not hate however but was to emotionally burdensome for myself and I think others beyond the ideological agendas of others against the organization for other political issues and those that just hate the organization. So collectively they got told it was the wrong thing to do which I support. Autism Speaks to me is hugely successful and even if you don't agree with everything they say just study them. Don't become so polarized that compassion becomes the evil.
The I am Autism Video showed the societal hardships of a disability within society. It was not blaming people with autism for being a burden or attempting to make people hate people with autism. It however was more then likely seeing the disability as the obstacle and not the person. We can argue about how society may conform itself to differences to respect diversity and include it and I'd agree but this is not a world we live in that easily understands that so the techniques the video used while logical to purpose was in totality too powerful.
To much voodoo folks.
The peer politics creating intolerance toward compassion is coming to an end. Pity accusations, indifferent advocacy against isolation awareness and for pride in an image of autism is injustice.