ci wrote:
My compromise on this public relations awareness issue is to start respecting all choices ...
I personally don't view autism as positives but simply the negative to be gotten rid of ...
I think "respecting all choices" should include not publicizing one's own, and I here use a mention of alcoholism to illustrate:
If I were to say "I personally don't view alcoholism as positives but simply the negative to be gotten rid of", I would be distracting others from having or developing their own views of the condition (as well as sending many people into mental quandary) and thereby "shooting myself in the foot", so to speak, as far as being able to then offer any kind of solution. So then, the challenge becomes that of looking completely past the condition in order to see each individual and his or her specific need, desire and willingness to find resolve.
I began looking for someone like me when I was five ...
My search ended at 59 ... right here on WrongPlanet.