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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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21 Mar 2011, 3:47 pm

We did not vaccinate our child because of the staggering evidence that shows not only the toxicity of the adjuvants and other preservatives in the vaccines such as squalene, and thimerasol. Secondly, the international mega corporate vaccine manufacturers such as Glaxo Smith Klein and Baxter, have been cought in the past releasing vaccines that contained weaponized forms of avian and swine flu, (this fact is not disputed). They are the ones that throw billions at our government to make sure that everyone gets their vaccine. Look, some vaccines may have done some good in the past to cure diseases but we just cant trust the FDA or their corrupt bought and paid for group of scientists. Look at everything the FDA approves that is deadly. Aspartame, MSG, thousands of preservatives, Soy, GMOs, the list goes on and on not to mention the thousands of deadly prescription drugs that get approved that half the country is on in some form or another. Your body is the most powerful disease fighting tool you have. Use your immune system by eating live farm fresh foods and foods that boost your GI flora,take an acidophillus supplement. give your body what it needs. We are in the midst of a disease epidemic 1 in 3 people will get life threatening cancer in their lifetime, little kids are getting bone cancer and leukemia from drinking fluoridated water. Vaccines have been linked to autism and childhood leukemia, as well as allergies asthma and just about every other ailment in the book. but the mega corporations supress that information and vehemently work to shun any doctors or scientists who try to publish studies on the negative effects of vaccines. They have a vested interest in making sure everyone gets their vaccines which all reduce fertility. According to State department memorandum 200 by Henry Kissinger, the state's official policy is to reduce human population by 80% by reducing worldwide human fertility and using soft kill chemicals in vaccines, and yes food and water. Hope this was a wake up call for you to go and do your own research, Go to the Natural Doctors or holistic doctors, not some corrupt conventional western medicine doctor who will push a pill on you to only treat the symptom of your problem not the cause. All diseases are caused by 2 things, Deficiency and Toxicity. You are all malnurished the first thing id worry about is getting off the modern poison diet.


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21 Mar 2011, 3:51 pm

Vaccines do not cause autism.

When I must wait in a queue, I dance. Classified as an aspie with ADHD on 31 March 2009 at the age of 43.


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21 Mar 2011, 3:54 pm

Vaccineskill, do you live in a cave or just dislike scientific fact?

The so-called doctor who associated autism with vaccines LIED, CHEATED and FAKED his data.

But thanks for the medical info. I'm sure that'll be useful if I ever become "malnourished".

I do believe in spooks! I do, I do believe in spooks!

Last edited by Pepperfire on 21 Mar 2011, 3:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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21 Mar 2011, 3:54 pm

Well, when your child falls seriously ill or even dies from diseases that haven't been a problem since the Victorian times, we'll know who to blame.

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21 Mar 2011, 3:58 pm

[quote="Alphabetania"]Vaccines do not cause autism.[/uquote]

Yeah, this doctor in the UK that published falsified evidence about this had his medical licence revoked :P God, I wish I had a link to an article... Oh wait I just found one...

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21 Mar 2011, 4:23 pm

The vaccine issue seems to be resolved and for the best interest of children and the population.

The peer politics creating intolerance toward compassion is coming to an end. Pity accusations, indifferent advocacy against isolation awareness and for pride in an image of autism is injustice.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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21 Mar 2011, 4:26 pm

I have to disagree about the soy, it is one of the best meatless sources of protein. Stop eating contaminated food. Eat organic, watch what products you buy. I'm not saying all vaccines are ok, but if everyone were to stop vaccinating their children we would end up with many many children and adults dieing due to diseases that have already been controlled by medicine. A more agreeable choice might be is to lengthen the calendar of vaccines. Spread them out.
Thimerisol is supposedly no longer used and yes there is more than just Thimerisol to be worried about. Genetics, the environment. 1 in 70 boys. There is something wrong, something bigger than vaccines.


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21 Mar 2011, 4:27 pm

vaccineskill wrote:
We did not vaccinate our child because of the staggering evidence that shows not only the toxicity of the adjuvants and other preservatives in the vaccines such as squalene, and thimerasol. Secondly, the international mega corporate vaccine manufacturers such as Glaxo Smith Klein and Baxter, have been cought in the past releasing vaccines that contained weaponized forms of avian and swine flu, (this fact is not disputed). They are the ones that throw billions at our government to make sure that everyone gets their vaccine. Look, some vaccines may have done some good in the past to cure diseases but we just cant trust the FDA or their corrupt bought and paid for group of scientists. Look at everything the FDA approves that is deadly. Aspartame, MSG, thousands of preservatives, Soy, GMOs, the list goes on and on not to mention the thousands of deadly prescription drugs that get approved that half the country is on in some form or another. Your body is the most powerful disease fighting tool you have. Use your immune system by eating live farm fresh foods and foods that boost your GI flora,take an acidophillus supplement. give your body what it needs. We are in the midst of a disease epidemic 1 in 3 people will get life threatening cancer in their lifetime, little kids are getting bone cancer and leukemia from drinking fluoridated water. Vaccines have been linked to autism and childhood leukemia, as well as allergies asthma and just about every other ailment in the book. but the mega corporations supress that information and vehemently work to shun any doctors or scientists who try to publish studies on the negative effects of vaccines. They have a vested interest in making sure everyone gets their vaccines which all reduce fertility. According to State department memorandum 200 by Henry Kissinger, the state's official policy is to reduce human population by 80% by reducing worldwide human fertility and using soft kill chemicals in vaccines, and yes food and water. Hope this was a wake up call for you to go and do your own research, Go to the Natural Doctors or holistic doctors, not some corrupt conventional western medicine doctor who will push a pill on you to only treat the symptom of your problem not the cause. All diseases are caused by 2 things, Deficiency and Toxicity. You are all malnurished the first thing id worry about is getting off the modern poison diet.

You're stupid, your kid's going to get very ill and/or die, please do not procreate further.

I think I know. I don't think I know. I don't think I think I know. I don't think I think.


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21 Mar 2011, 5:30 pm

I think vaccines can harm some... I definitely think they need to keep looking into it but vaccines, in the broadest sense of the word do not kill. There would be close to no population in the US if that were the case.

Vaccines are not rewiring peoples brains. Autism is a developmental disorder - our brains are different. Kids with vaccine injuries have something else going that is similar in presentation to autism but it's not 'autism' as we know it. There are aslo a wide variety of toher vaqccine injuries occurring - rare accute neurological disorders, autoimmune disease, epilepsy... the list goes on and on. But these are statisically rare. I believe the obligation to look out for the 'greater good' will outweigh individual concerns unfortunately. That's how our society works.

Glad to see you standing up for your beliefs though. I'm not as quick to discount 'conspiracy theories' as many seem to be. I think something very not kosher is going on. Thanks for shaking up the status quo a bit. Keeps people thinking even if it is just denial.


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21 Mar 2011, 5:30 pm

Troll, surely?

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21 Mar 2011, 5:36 pm

Hope so. Though, I do know people like this. It's gonna be hell to pay when those kids grow up and find out what happened to them.
No scientific study has EVER been able to reproduce the results of Wakefield's "study."


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21 Mar 2011, 5:41 pm

Psiri wrote:
Troll, surely?

Or some closely related species. Such as, person here to state a point, who cares how out of place, who cares how unlikely the audience is to listen. Same difference as far as responding. Best to yawn and ignore.

not aspie, not NT, somewhere in between
Aspie Quiz: 110 Aspie, 103 Neurotypical.
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21 Mar 2011, 6:37 pm

vaccineskill wrote:
We did not vaccinate our child because of the staggering evidence that shows not only the toxicity of the adjuvants and other preservatives in the vaccines such as squalene, and thimerasol. Secondly, the international mega corporate vaccine manufacturers such as Glaxo Smith Klein and Baxter, have been cought in the past releasing vaccines that contained weaponized forms of avian and swine flu, (this fact is not disputed). They are the ones that throw billions at our government to make sure that everyone gets their vaccine. Look, some vaccines may have done some good in the past to cure diseases but we just cant trust the FDA or their corrupt bought and paid for group of scientists. Look at everything the FDA approves that is deadly. Aspartame, MSG, thousands of preservatives, Soy, GMOs, the list goes on and on not to mention the thousands of deadly prescription drugs that get approved that half the country is on in some form or another. Your body is the most powerful disease fighting tool you have. Use your immune system by eating live farm fresh foods and foods that boost your GI flora,take an acidophillus supplement. give your body what it needs. We are in the midst of a disease epidemic 1 in 3 people will get life threatening cancer in their lifetime, little kids are getting bone cancer and leukemia from drinking fluoridated water. Vaccines have been linked to autism and childhood leukemia, as well as allergies asthma and just about every other ailment in the book. but the mega corporations supress that information and vehemently work to shun any doctors or scientists who try to publish studies on the negative effects of vaccines. They have a vested interest in making sure everyone gets their vaccines which all reduce fertility. According to State department memorandum 200 by Henry Kissinger, the state's official policy is to reduce human population by 80% by reducing worldwide human fertility and using soft kill chemicals in vaccines, and yes food and water. Hope this was a wake up call for you to go and do your own research, Go to the Natural Doctors or holistic doctors, not some corrupt conventional western medicine doctor who will push a pill on you to only treat the symptom of your problem not the cause. All diseases are caused by 2 things, Deficiency and Toxicity. You are all malnurished the first thing id worry about is getting off the modern poison diet.

Wow, that's a lot of typing when you could have expressed the same ideas and IQ just by farting.

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21 Mar 2011, 6:51 pm

I was vaccinated, and I turned out fine.

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21 Mar 2011, 7:00 pm

Wow, I haven't seen any of these people in a while. I guess we were overdue. :lol: It's too bad people like this have kids- both their environment and DNA predisposes them to every bit as batshit crazy as their parents. :(

vaccineskill wrote:
Secondly, the international mega corporate vaccine manufacturers such as Glaxo Smith Klein and Baxter, have been cought in the past releasing vaccines that contained weaponized forms of avian and swine flu, (this fact is not disputed).

Umm... no. Influenza is way too inefficient for biological weapons. Avian flu was researched in feasibility studies but no weapons program was ever developed for it. Swine flu was never researched at all and won't be since offensive biological weapons research was shut down in 1973.

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21 Mar 2011, 7:17 pm

When you "use your immune system," you get sick. That's kind of the know, vaccination. To not get sick in the first place.
Also, when you don't vaccinate yourselves, the people at risk of contracting that particular horrible disease, like rubella, are the ones that actually couldn't defend themselves in the first place, like babies and those who are truly allergic to vaccines. People who don't ask for people like you to destroy the herd immunity.
Why don't you read something that wasn't spewed out of a talk show or a blog:

Wikipedia wrote:
Herd immunity
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Herd immunity (or community immunity) describes a form of immunity that occurs when the vaccination of a significant portion of a population (or herd) provides a measure of protection for individuals who have not developed immunity.[1] Herd immunity theory proposes that, in contagious diseases that are transmitted from individual to individual, chains of infection are likely to be disrupted when large numbers of a population are immune or less susceptible to the disease. The greater the proportion of individuals who are resistant, the smaller the probability that a susceptible individual will come into contact with an infectious individual.[2]

Vaccination acts as a sort of firebreak or firewall in the spread of the disease, slowing or preventing further transmission of the disease to others.[3] Unvaccinated individuals are indirectly protected by vaccinated individuals, as the latter will not contract and transmit the disease between infected and susceptible individuals.[2] Hence, a public health policy of herd immunity may be used to reduce spread of an illness and provide a level of protection to a vulnerable, unvaccinated subgroup. Since only a small fraction of the population (or herd) can be left unvaccinated for this method to be effective, it is considered best left for those who cannot safely receive vaccines because of a medical condition such as an immune disorder or for organ transplant recipients.

The proportion of immune individuals in a population above which a disease may no longer persist is the herd immunity threshold. Its value varies with the virulence of the disease, the efficacy of the vaccine, and the contact parameter for the population.[3] No vaccine offers complete protection, but the spread of disease from person to person is much higher in those who remain unvaccinated.[4] It is the general aim of those involved in public health to establish herd immunity in most populations. Complications arise when widespread vaccination is not possible or when vaccines are rejected by a part of the population. As of 2009[update], herd immunity is compromised in some areas for some vaccine-preventable diseases, including pertussis and measles and mumps, in part because of parental refusal of vaccination.[5][6][7]

Herd immunity only applies to diseases that are contagious. It does not apply to diseases such as tetanus (which is infectious, but is not contagious), where the vaccine protects only the vaccinated person from disease.[8] Herd immunity should not be confused with contact immunity, a related concept wherein a vaccinated individual can 'pass on' the vaccine to another individual through contact.

If you are so worried about the children, why are you listening to conclusions from a study with a sample size of 12? Let me explain, sample sizes are large for a reason. Validated studies have sample sizes up into the 10s of thousands. What does this tell you about his sample size of 12? And yet, you apparently rally against immunizing your children, while other children in the US and the UK have suffered from outbreaks against disease that could have been prevented?
Business Week: Measles Outbreak Triggered by Unvaccinated Child
How many more need to die?
BBC: First Measles Outbreak for 14 years