I am interested if you have more to say :]
I do, actually. I usually have too much to say on subjects. However, please don't take my view as a chastisement but rather another thing to think about. I could be right, I could be wrong. I won't feel personally offended if you disagree.
I view a post like this to be essentially the same thing as the negative posts because it is a rallying call. Those who agree will say yes, and those who are negative will be insulted and disagree. It accomplishes little more than letting other positive thinkers have a safe place to say, "Yay! Finally some truth!"
Not that it isn't truth, because it is. Having a negative viewpoint and an us-and-them mentally hurts the individual profoundly and society as a whole.
Rather, as a positive thinker, you have to ask yourself, how can I change someone's negative view? Will they see the light from making this post? Probably not. They will most likely feel insulted. It doesn't really help anyone. Those that agree already think this way. Those that don't won't change anything other than maybe feel more bitter and angry. They will likely react negatively and insult your view because that is their truth.
So, you have to ask yourself, what is your goal? Your goal is to make negative thinkers learn that positivity is so much better. How can you best accomplish that goal? Well, you can't do it by pointing out they're wrong because they are stuck in quicksand. You have to show them the way out, hand them a rope. Not just tell them they're sinking and that they need to get out while you watch from the sidelines.
So, in my opinion, the best way to encourage a negative thinker to think positively is to encourage them. Point out their good traits. Give examples to NT's that are helpful. Be kind to them when they are not to you. Generally just care for them because they are hurt, angry, spiteful and they are plenty in number so it is really hard.
I don't really have the answer. It's really hard to make someone see the truth. People generally believe they are right about whatever they think in their heads, and if others are enthusiastically agreeing with them, it's hard to change a viewpoint.
I am open to criticism, though, so if you have another idea please say so. I am always striving to improve and I have people in my TS group that I would love to have more of an impact on.
It's an emu egg