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14 Sep 2011, 12:19 am

Bachmann's vaccine doubts 'dangerous and irresponsible'

September 13, 2011
Michele Bachmann may have restored her political fortunes with a scathing attack on Governor Rick Perry's push to vaccinate girls against the disease HPV, but a passing suggestion that vaccines are dangerous allied her with a widely scientific fringe and is drawing sharp criticism from some advocates for vaccination.

"I will tell you that I had a mother last night come up to me here in Tampa, Fla., after the debate. She told me that her little daughter took that vaccine, that injection, and she suffered from mental retardation thereafter," Bachmann said. "The mother was crying what she came up to me last night. I didn't know who she was before the debate. This is the very real concern and people have to draw their own conclusions."

The alleged link between vaccination and mental disabilities -- autism is the one frequently cited -- has been repeatedly debunked, with the key research on the issue in a British journal withdrawn years ago. But the theory has lived on, and contributed to declining vaccine rates and -- advocates for autistic children say -- scientific distraction.

"Congresswoman Bachmann's decision to spread fear of vaccines is dangerous and irresponsible," said Evan Siegfried, a spokesman for the Global and Regional Asperger Syndrome Partnership. "There is zero credible scientific evidence that vaccines cause mental retardation or autism. She should cease trying to foment fear in order to advance her political agenda." ... sible.html


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14 Sep 2011, 12:52 am

I've had the HPV vaccine. I had to ask for it and pay for it, but I consider it one of the better things I could spend money on. Another is keeping up on dental repairs.

The real issue is that the vaccine is expensive, and parents don't want to pay for it if it isn't covered by insurance. Hopefully, some of those girls who slip through without getting the vaccine as teenagers will give it some thought in between frat parties. But I'm not counting on that.

All the talk about autism, vaccine side effects, evil corporations, and loose morals that supposedly follow from being vaccinated against an STD, is really just a way of resolving the cognitive dissonance arising from not wanting to pay for something that they know they really should have. They don't want to pay for it, therefore it must be bad, and so they are making the right decision by not getting it, or so the story goes.

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14 Sep 2011, 2:51 am

:/ This is all very creepy sounding. If she even saw someone, I want to see who and why before I even consider her statements seriously. If there's one thing people CAN confirm about us is that vaccines don't lead to autism.

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14 Sep 2011, 6:14 am

And to think that Bachman is a serious potential candidate. (Candidate for candidacy?)

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15 Sep 2011, 5:19 pm

Tea Party magazine recognizes Bachman's error: ... cine-panic


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15 Sep 2011, 11:36 pm

Steven Colbert recognizes Bachmann's error

The Colbert Report(click here)

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16 Sep 2011, 1:21 am

Whatever you think of Tea Party politics in general, I think Bachman could use keeping her mouth shut on this and in general should use a fact checker before she opens her mouth.


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19 Sep 2011, 7:40 pm

She did it to attack Perry. Right now, the republican candidates are in competition with each other, and not with Obama, not yet. Who knows whether Bachmann really believes what she says about vaccines? Either she really is that dumb, or she's willing to make statements that even she doesn't believe. Either way, she's unelectable.

A boy and his dog can go walking
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19 Sep 2011, 7:59 pm

sgrannel wrote:
She did it to attack Perry. Right now, the republican candidates are in competition with each other, and not with Obama, not yet. Who knows whether Bachmann really believes what she says about vaccines? Either she really is that dumb, or she's willing to make statements that even she doesn't believe. Either way, she's unelectable.

I think all of these republicans really want these vaccines just to make sure they are not allowed get many people away from this, worse more likely leave a trap for those Autism and have them be given the most poor treatment around, so what is next the Republicans want, Castration and Nuturing of the male Genitals from childhood to age 50?

I think it is a sign that they are being racist in the worse way.

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19 Sep 2011, 8:15 pm

Bachmann can be smart on some things. But like so many politicians (across the spectrum), she assumes that if she's competent in one area, she must be competent in all areas, and wants to micromanage every aspect of your life for you.

There's one candidate in this election who openly admits and accepts his limitations, and wants YOU to run your life. (Dare I speak his name?) Most pundits claim that such an admission is crazy talk and that such a politician should be institutionalized.


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19 Sep 2011, 10:13 pm

ScratchMonkey wrote:
Bachmann can be smart on some things. But like so many politicians (across the spectrum), she assumes that if she's competent in one area, she must be competent in all areas, and wants to micromanage every aspect of your life for you.

There's one candidate in this election who openly admits and accepts his limitations, and wants YOU to run your life. (Dare I speak his name?) Most pundits claim that such an admission is crazy talk and that such a politician should be institutionalized.

you mean the guy whose campaign manager Kent Snyder, died of pneumonia in 2008 because he assumed the freedom of not having any health insurance? I will give it to the Nameless One (no, NOT Voldemort) he did follow up with donations from family and friends leaving only $365,000.00 in hospital bills for his family instead of $400,000.00 it could have been.

they aren't kidding when they say "freedom isn't free"!

However, he is dead right about why we were attacked on 9/11. But like so many politicians (across the spectrum), he assumes that if he's competent in one area, he must be competent in all areas . . .

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26 Sep 2011, 8:57 pm

These studies demonstrate how confounding medical science can be to the general populace. New information emerges on supposedly well defined diseases like Lyme disease, while previously touted “advances” like the identification of XMRV get quietly removed from the medical literature. Astounding successes like the rotavirus vaccination get practically no press, while the dangers of BPA are whispered around the water cooler even when experts in the field firmly state there is insufficient data to draw conclusions. Alexander Pope once wrote that “a little learning is a dangerous thing.” Never more true has this proverb been than in the internet age where confused pundits like Michele Bachmann may do significant damage with half heard gossip, and where the medical community is left trying to do damage control and pick up the pieces.

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26 Sep 2011, 9:02 pm

sinsboldly wrote:
But like so many politicians (across the spectrum), he assumes that if he's competent in one area, he must be competent in all areas . . .

He holds quite the opposite view: That no politician can be an expert on everything, and therefore should not be in charge of everything. Micromanaging every aspect of our lives should not be the job of the central government. Instead, its job should be to protect us from the liberty-crushing overreach of other governments (state, regional, and foreign). The violent power of the central government should be restricted to reining in the violence of these other governments.


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12 Oct 2011, 12:36 pm

sgrannel wrote:
She did it to attack Perry. Right now, the republican candidates are in competition with each other, and not with Obama, not yet. Who knows whether Bachmann really believes what she says about vaccines? Either she really is that dumb, or she's willing to make statements that even she doesn't believe. Either way, she's unelectable.

Unfortunately, enough people believe what she said that it probably wouldn't have phased anyone if she hadn't reneged on her comment and claimed that she didn't say that the HPV vaccine was "potentially dangerous". No matter where you stand on the issue of whether it was right to require people to have the vaccine, claiming that you didn't say something that you clearly did say won't get you anywhere that you want to be.

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14 Oct 2011, 1:59 am

Scarily.. I see the woman's pt... (although she isn't exactly arguing it well. )

I, like any rational person, am totally pro-vaccine. Benefits are way greater then risks here. But frankly, forcing ANYONE to put ANYTHING into their body is wrong. The Government is WAY overstepping its boundaries here. The risks and benefits of any treatment/vaccine/medication should be yours to take or leave.

Frankly tho, I think the only reason the Republicans care is because its an STD vaccine. (other vaccines are already required to attend public school) Can't make sex safer. thats immoral.