Looking for interviewees
Hi, I'm writing a piece for my journalism module at uni on the cuts to disability benefit in the uk and 'demonisation' of disability and looking for some people to interview who have had first hand experience
I'm interested in people with Higher Functioning AS and Autism who claim DLA, particularly if it's been up for review/renewal recently, or if it's been withdrawn when you feel you still need it. However, i would like to hear about any experiences you've had with the governments new attitudes towards the disabled, if you don't mind sharing/
Mainly the communications would be through email or the chat function on here, so don't worry about having to physically attend the interview, although if you live round Cambridge and wouldn't mind meeting up for a face-to-face interview, i would be very grateful
Thanks in advance guys, you would be helping me out a lot and hopefuly I'll be able to get it published later on, so you could really help in the fight against the governments victimisation of the so-called 'lesser' disabilites.
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

Joined: 24 Feb 2012
Gender: Male
Posts: 70
Location: UK, South Yorkshire, Doncaster & Mum's near Canterbury
I'll be glad to help as and when I can. My recorded deaf text relay system has the true face of Doncaster DWP and DLA Welbreck House, one quick example is when I had to phone DLA up.... a manager did a "Mr Vincent I am terminating this call" and then she hung up.... I phoned back and she put on system that customer terminated the call... oh the lies lies and lies. When DWP realised my deaf system records calls... what did they do? Send fraud investigation around my house! I passed but it was just a way to intimidate me and I was lucky that my Mum was with me at the time to explain things in a better way than I can. I just want to vomit when I need to communicate with DWP DLA and I think my benefits have been stopped but I cannot bring myself to communicate with them as I cannot deal with there discrimination, oppression and lies.
I'm only on low rate care and mobility because I am not explaining properly and when it moves to PIP it would appear I would lose both rates.