I'm posting this in General Autism, because the way similar threads have progressed there is not telling where it might or should end up depending on how it develops.
Friday, in certain threads here on Wrong Planet, posters almost immediately began to bring up possible political ramifications of this incident.
Predictably, the gun control issue came up.
Predictably, but more disturbing, posts began popping up from people wondering how long it would be before the shooting was blamed on Autism and/or Asperger Syndrome. And that's the issue I really want to talk about now.
People! We live in the age of the Internet!
The mere mention of the possibility of a rumor starting on the Internet can actually START the rumor.
Predictably, shortly after these posts began showing up here, the rumors began to fly like bats out of a cave. I am NOT implying that posts here started the rumors. I don't think anyone will ever be able to trace how where and why it all started.
The point is, jumping online and into the fray of debates, fuels the rumor mill. People by the millions on thousands of social sites and forums start Googling the shooting looking for the terms Autism and Asperger Syndrome. What do you think happens because of the sudden surge in searches like that?
It produces a demand for pages with those terms on them. Those searches become top searches on Google within a matter of seconds, and (predictably again), bloggers and web masters hungry for traffic, fill that demand, people find those pages, and the rumors begin circulating like wildfire, creating a viscous circle nobody can stop.
Within a matter of minutes or even seconds, people start claiming the rumors have been "confirmed." All of this happens long before the official investigation is completed. Long before any substantiated FACTS have actually been confirmed and released to the public.
These rumors are often picked up from the web by the mass media, and even start showing up on supposedly trustworthy news sources.
Does anybody remember that the same thing happened with the Aurora shootings earlier this year? Have we all forgotten that all that hysteria was put to rest when all was said and done? Doesn't anyone remember that almost every time an incident like this happens, the same stupid rumors circulate every single time?
When are we going to learn to sit back, relax, and wait for the truth to come out?
What really ticks me off about situations like this is that the FIRST thing that ought to be on all our minds are the VICTIMS! !
The LAST thing on our minds should be how this tragedy will affect ME!
It's been two days since the shootings. I STILL don't give a crap whether Adam was ASD, or how this might affect my right to own a gun. There is no point in caring about any of that yet. No point, because I still have no idea whether any of the rumors of his being Autistic are true or not.
I just wish people would use their heads before posting. Think before posting. What matters more? How the victims, their families, friends and fellow residence were affected, or how all this might affect ME?
POST SCRIPT: For those of you who aren't aware yet, the Connecticut State Police announced in their last new conference (just before I posted this), that false rumors have been spread on social media regarding what family members supposedly said to authorities. They also said they are considering bringing charges where appropriate against some of those responsible for helping to spread these false rumors, and some who have leveled threats due to the rumors.
(Not that anyone here necessarily has anything to worry about were that is concerned, but it ought to be at least give pause for thought before posting whatever it is we post here or anywhere on the web. Think! "What impact could this post have? Does it really need to be said anyway right now?)
I'm not likely to be around much longer. As before when I first signed up here years ago, I'm finding that after a long hiatus, and after only a few days back on here, I'm spending way too much time here again already. So I'm requesting my account be locked, banned or whatever. It's just time. Until then, well, I dunno...