antifeministfrills wrote:
i hope i'm not the only one who honestly gets confused about what aspergers (and autism) is, due to people being like 'you're not a genius/stupid'/'you can make eye contact' so you don't have AS.
Ignorance about what autism/Asperger is or is not is
not helped when autism is appropriated by popular authors, artists, actors, musicians, etc. who are not on the spectrum themselves nor have had any intimiate contact with us, as is the case with Mark Haddon's book.
I won't say that creative people can't include austistic characters in their work, but they need to know what they are talking about. I'm a playwright and I would not personally write a play about life among longshoremen in 1930s New York when I have no knowledge of it whatsoever. In order to do so, I would have to do a lot of research first. Likewise, research is what people need to do before they decide to write about autistics.
"If you can't call someone else an idiot, then you are obviously not very good at what you do."