Yes, fire them. And it could be better for aspies under a form of "market socialism" because hiring, firing, and promotions could be fairly standardized, rather than personalized, like even to the point of computer-recorded productivity charts, so kissing up to the boss just won't work any more. Bury them with regulations, and it'll be too risky to discriminate for arbitrary reasons.
Easier to fire people for bad performance than in the current public sector, harder to fire/discriminate arbitrarily like in the current private sector. We'd probably be less dynamic and innovative and poorer as a whole, but aspies and many workers/low-income people would be better off (possibly a majority of people would be better off).
Civil Rights -- adopt a more "modern" Constitution that, for example, makes it ok to criminalize "hate speech" and bullying but protects all the basics like sex, age, ethnicity (scrap "race" it doesn't exist), disability, and sexual orientation. Something like the EU's or Canada's Constitution.