Has anyone heard of this petition about this facility in OH?

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21 Apr 2013, 6:29 pm

http://www.causes.com/actions/1747039-r ... e-facility

A friend forwarded me this petition, which was apparently set up by the man's mother, there hasn't been much response to it. From what I can see, it appears that the mother doesn't have much in the way of support or resources.

However, googling the man's name does bring up several news reports where the mother has gone to the press asking for help, and a google of the facility shows that it has a history of abuse.

Just wondering if anyone here knows anything about it.


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21 Apr 2013, 8:38 pm

I've never heard of this place before today, however, being a resident of OH with AS, this disturbs me greatly. It's got to stop. Stuff like this cannot be allowed to continue, and the longer the majority sits on their a##es and does nothing, the more commonplace it will become, and the more people will be made to suffor this kind of abuse. I've said this before: We, on the spectrum, have to make a stand and say "enough is enough", because no one else will fight for us.

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24 Apr 2013, 2:51 pm

Thanks, Jaden.

The Mom who created the petition seems to be struggling herself; I am concerned that this isn't getting attention because people are dismissing her because her own communication skills aren't very good. I worry that classism is keeping this from the headlines.


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24 Apr 2013, 3:54 pm

momsparky wrote:
Thanks, Jaden.

The Mom who created the petition seems to be struggling herself; I am concerned that this isn't getting attention because people are dismissing her because her own communication skills aren't very good. I worry that classism is keeping this from the headlines.

Indeed, classism does seem to also be a common issue. I certainly hope this petition takes off and more are shown what is going on there.

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02 May 2013, 2:44 pm

I signed today and sent requests to 30 of my Facebook friends here and internationally. Will do everything I can to help spread awareness on issues such as these.

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10 May 2013, 6:02 am

The mother is taking the state to court over it.

I do hope she succeeds. I also hope they shut that place down as a result.


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10 May 2013, 3:41 pm

Rather horrifying, deserves more awareness.

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11 May 2013, 12:33 am

I thought this kind of practice was a thing of the past, I guess sadly this isn't the case. Even worse of the fact this is my own state.