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10 Mar 2014, 9:09 am

Not only are they trying to make it look like Aspies are naturally malicious, but also Schizophrenics. I guess it's not unusual for American society to portray all people with psychotic disorders as malevolent though. The American media is constantly screwing us and many other minority groups. I don't think the genocide-supporting hate-mongerers should have the right to impose their views on the masses. Everyone in the media who has ever done anything to contribute to mass discrimination should be put on trial for treason. They have hurt American society by tainting the views of the masses. All people should have the right not to be systematically discriminated against.

There are 17 articles about Adam Lanza on the English version of the website for China's official newspaper, Xinhua, and not one of them mentions him having Asperger's. There are also 23 articles about Adam Lanza on the English version of the website for China's official news station, CCTV, and only one of them mentions him having Asperger's. There are tens of articles that mention Adam Lanza having Asperger's on pretty much every major American news website. It's become very obvious now that they're just trying to encourage discrimination against us by overemphasizing the fact that he had Asperger's. I can't support everything the PRC does, but I do support their goal of creating a better, prejudice-free society through media censorship.


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10 Mar 2014, 10:02 am

I agree. When I saw that comment from Peter Lanza on schizophrenia, I was like WTF? I sent a copy to Lydia Brown. I am so sick and tired of this stuff.

I'm also sick and tired of the "when you join a religion you are automatically mentally ill" crap, and I'm agnostic. I remember when I posted some links to some websites on another forum detailing the problems with that statement, and then this as*hole atheist came in and asked for what I thought about it, and I gave it to him. He then said I was engaging in a "Gish gallop," as though he were some evolutionary biologist talking with a creationist (even though his position isn't supported by s**t, unlike evolution), and complained about the problems I had with it numbering as many as 7 points! Throughout each response the white, able-bodied, straight male continued to be like, "Ohh! That was so much work for me!" I'm like, f**k you, as*hole. I just thought of him prior as some friendly guy, but now his mask came off and I saw him as the white, able-bodied, straight entitled male the f****r was! It sure opened my eyes!

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10 Mar 2014, 10:27 am

I just love how every article on this has to mention Adam having AS and then follow it with a "disclaimer" stating that AS does not cause violence. What the hell was the point of bringing it up in the first place then??? :wall:


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10 Mar 2014, 10:54 am

Here is a link to the ORIGINAL INTERVIEW WITH PETER LANZA - It's a very long article in the New Yorker by Andrew Solomon that everyone is commenting on. ... ntPage=all

It's important to consider the source of the commentating sites and the 'angles' they emphasize. They all have their 'points of view', valid or nonsensical...

Yeah, Adam Lanza was obviously 'somewhere' on the ASD spectrum and he certainly had co-morbid psychopathogical conditions - formally diagnnosed or not... . He was VERY badly handled; no one saw 'it' coming. But in retrospect, it was all so obvious. The reason people bring up his AS diagnosis is because they are trying to understand why it happened...and the disclaimer is because just having an AS diagnosis does not cut it as a reason.

It was not his Aspergers, or ASD, or Schizophrenia, or medications, or the lack of medications, or the relationships, or lack thereof, his mother's indulgences and gun training, his father's alienation, or inadequate care he endured with others that CAUSED the Newtown massacre...
it was Adam Lanza himself, and ALL of it that caused it.

Read the original article...

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10 Mar 2014, 7:52 pm

I agree with what's said by Mike1. North America is especially terrible for structural violence towards aspies, bordering on genocidal in the way that is insidiously sometimes makes us ideate leaving this earth. they certainly are having a field day with the whole Adam Lanza thing, including the dad who never understood the kid in the first place. The kids' either not a typical aspie, as well as a very very feral neglected one if he's even autistic (neglected to the point of becoming "blocked) or not one at all. In my opinion, he was an LFS (low functioning sociopath, provoked into violence though anger and neglect of neuro issues) this is not really carries features in the challenges, but their empathy is missing. could be a polar opposite sort of thing. My aspie friend and i have theorized this kind of thing. I've actually had LFS boys contact me and get obsessive. They're not like my aspie guy friends at all...their almost like opposite-autistic in the way that they're ultra reptilian to the point they're socially challenged, for opposite reasons to the aspie, but to the ignorant subjective NT it'd look the "surface same." One time i had to phone the cops on one of them as he was talking violent plans. I was able to do an undercover cop deal and counsel/talk him out of stupid actions, an I do credit my aspie psychoanalytical special interest in criminology for that! So it wasn't an aspie planning the violence aspie saved the day. That kid had an AS diagnosis...but again, i think these guys are getting mixed up. i don't consider this kind of person aspie really. autistic like it may seem, but we DO have empathy...too much of it, and our own type of it. I feel like these actual PD people who are opposite to us present as us, and this frames the real "us" causing us to take the brunt of the persecution. In fact, the real sociopaths don't get accused of lying because they have no qualms about it. When we script, or say things in certain context that don't make sense to them... we get accused of lying. Don't they get that if it seems too obvious that we're "lying" because we appear anxious, then we aren't? I mean, we're not kids. By the time of adulthood lying can become a smooth art, and if we seem childishly "looking like we're lying" the way this is looked at needs to be reframed into understand that the "lie" they're seeing simply isn't...'cause the real liars are good at it whence they have no qualms about being dishonest. Aspies are the very opposite, yet we get framed and persecuted for the opposite of what we are..I feel it's wrenchingly unjust!

I wrote a blog about it which I can attach "I'm an autistic woman coming out of the closet, I've been persecuted." That's pretty much how I've felt and right now, I'm dealing with health issues and a medical system basically trying to blacklist me whence forcing me (with limited "spoons") to become an aspie Erin Brockovich to restore mine and my children's right to safe and reasonable healthcare. I have been badly patholgized, to the pint where it's over the top and some NT meds have come forward to say they now i'm sick and that it's abusrd, so at least there's that and ultimately, if I have to serve as an example of cruelty toward aspies in healthcare, then so mote it be. The way we think, very objectively and fluidly is not wrong...we just see things many NTs cannot and see interrelations that, to them, are seemingly not connected. This somehow ends up being seen as pretty much schizotypal, or pathological liars particularly when coupled with the fact that we cannot sustain eye contact even if we try. They seem to equate this with "we're making up some sort of song and dance"...Oh please!

I have to look away to visualize the word atop of the picture that initially occurs, so I can see what i'm needing to say... or if not, music and patterns will come out of my mouth, dammit! I've been spending years labouring on trying to "decode" my expressive language in both written and verbal form, in a way that uses similes rather than metaphors (since the latter is what's though of as a "delusion") even though when I "speak autistic" amongst us I will go for the metaphor. I think I've become decent at sort of, finding that happy medium where i'm conveying what I'm thinking, seeing and the connection which is made, in a way that can be reasonably understood. However, I've slipped up before and still do at times whence am taken in the wrong context and though of as a nut bar. It's so frustrating. the other thing is when we use dramatic, literal, sharp edged language they seem to find it alarming, when it's not actually as "bad" as they seem to see it; we're just being blatantly honest and expressive. Then we get called things like "negative" and "dramatic." I had this woman comment on a post I made about the Air France Crash of 2009 "with thousands of safe flights happening every day there's no need to make a big deal out of this, but i'm a glass full kinda gall" Arrgh So patronizing! People still lost their lives due to certain human errors I was interested to point out, whence it didn't need to happen. This is the thing about NTs, and why people become marginalized and neglected...minorities seem to mean nothing to them. This is a symptom of desensitization, whence this obsession with "only majorities count." I think of "people" in numbers and herds, i think of them as individuals. Back to the point of Adam Lanza. Such a poor and ignorant representation of us, and his parents are to blame for letting this one go as it did. It's society's fault to. Society is provoking potential sociopaths into psychopathy; Not our community!
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10 Mar 2014, 10:59 pm

BornThisWay wrote:
Here is a link to the ORIGINAL INTERVIEW WITH PETER LANZA - It's a very long article in the New Yorker by Andrew Solomon that everyone is commenting on. ... ntPage=all

It's important to consider the source of the commentating sites and the 'angles' they emphasize. They all have their 'points of view', valid or nonsensical...

Yeah, Adam Lanza was obviously 'somewhere' on the ASD spectrum and he certainly had co-morbid psychopathogical conditions - formally diagnnosed or not... . He was VERY badly handled; no one saw 'it' coming. But in retrospect, it was all so obvious. The reason people bring up his AS diagnosis is because they are trying to understand why it happened...and the disclaimer is because just having an AS diagnosis does not cut it as a reason.

It was not his Aspergers, or ASD, or Schizophrenia, or medications, or the lack of medications, or the relationships, or lack thereof, his mother's indulgences and gun training, his father's alienation, or inadequate care he endured with others that CAUSED the Newtown massacre...
it was Adam Lanza himself, and ALL of it that caused it.

Read the original article...

I did read the original article and agree with the above.

None of the professionals even seemed to look at co morbidity. You had somebody at Yale saying Aspergers is biological, and others trying to get him to "overcome" it., meltdowns being mistaken for seizure disorders.

Even if Lanza was handled "correctly" it MIGHT have not mattered because Lanza refused to accept his diagnosis.

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity

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11 Mar 2014, 1:18 pm

OutsideTheBoxGirl wrote:
. . In my opinion, he was an LFS (low functioning sociopath, provoked into violence though anger and neglect of neuro issues) this is not really carries features in the challenges, but their empathy is missing. could be a polar opposite sort of thing. My aspie friend and i have theorized this kind of thing. I've actually had LFS boys contact me and get obsessive. They're not like my aspie guy friends at all...their almost like opposite-autistic in the way that they're ultra reptilian to the point they're socially challenged, for opposite reasons to the aspie, but to the ignorant subjective NT it'd look the "surface same." . . .

Hi, first off, welcome to Wrong Planet, I hope you like it here! :jester: :D :nemo:

Okay, I'm really pretty sure my mom is aspie and is on the spectrum (including with sensory issues and toe walking). My dad is kind of the anti-aspie. He is not a nonrespect of others all the time, but he is too damn often. He's also a 'be righter,' that he has to be right.

By the way, I'm very emphatic. I read about something and I care. I want to make a difference. I care about fellow human beings even if I don't personally know them.

A lot of the so-called professional definition of the autism spectrum is from the outside looking in, and that's why they overemphasize the social aspect and really pay very scant attention to sensory issues.


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11 Mar 2014, 4:17 pm

AardvarkGoodSwimmer wrote:
By the way, I'm very emphatic.

You're forceful in expression?

The article interviewing his father was interesting.

Mike1 wrote:
Not only are they trying to make it look like Aspies are naturally malicious, but also Schizophrenics.

I didn't see that at all. I disagree.


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11 Mar 2014, 4:23 pm

Part of me kind of wants there to be more tragedies like this, just out of spite for the asinine way that the masses react to them; but another part of me doesn't think that individuals should have to pay for the sins of the masses, and doesn't want there to be more discrimination against people on the spectrum. I have come to the conclusion that no individual should have to pay for the sins of the masses, but the masses should have to collectively pay for their sins. I want American society to be viewed by the rest of the world in the same negative light that it views people on the spectrum. As a result of the NSA leaks, more crap is now being flung at the U.S. than ever before, and it's great. I like how the media was trying to make it look like Edward Snowden had Asperger's, up until they realized how much of the American public supported him, and then they stopped. For once, the media failed at trying to screw us.

I'm still kind of pissed at Ryan Lanza for telling the media that Adam Lanza was diagnosed with Asperger's. He's one of the people who's primarily responsible for the current state of discrimination against people on the spectrum. He should be brutally punished for his reckless negligence that has resulted in human rights violations against people on the spectrum. Fortunately for him, I'm not going to try to hunt him down because I don't want to have to face any legal charges. However, I encourage him to do the honorable thing by immolating himself, as a means of showing contrition for his heinous crimes against the Autism community. If he has any better ideas as to how he could brutally torture and/or humiliate himself as a means of rectifying the situation, that would be okay with me too.

Last edited by Mike1 on 12 Mar 2014, 7:04 am, edited 1 time in total.


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11 Mar 2014, 4:48 pm

In his article, Andrew Solomon quotes Peter Lanza saying: “Asperger’s makes people unusual, but it doesn’t make people like this,” he said, and expressed the view that the condition “veiled a contaminant” that was not Asperger’s"

He is saying that autism isn't to blame.

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11 Mar 2014, 7:57 pm

Acedia wrote:
AardvarkGoodSwimmer wrote:
By the way, I'm very emphatic.

You're forceful in expression?

The article interviewing his father was interesting.

Mike1 wrote:
Not only are they trying to make it look like Aspies are naturally malicious, but also Schizophrenics.

I didn't see that at all. I disagree.


I agree with you. That article was heart breaking. Those parents threw an ton of resources at that kid, and short of saying f**k it, and sending him off to a residential center, I'm at a loss on what more they could have done.

Adam got therapy. He was diagnosed at Yale. He did every permutation of schooling. The day my kid puts up garbage bags on his bedroom window, and tells me how to walk is the day I'm speed dialing community mental health. Who puts up with that s**t? Mom enabled Adam alot.

You can have psychosis with depression. Depression distorts your thinking and Autism can make perceiving things even more difficult.

Adam's own dad said Aspergers didn't cause Sandy Hook. So I don't understand how this article makes Autism looks bad. People do cruel unthinkable s**t. Sometimes those people may have Bipolar/depression/Autism beside being first rate monsters.

Welcome to the stigma party. As a person with Bipolar Disorder, I die a little inside when some as*hole, who is also Bipolar goes on a murder/suicide spree.


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12 Mar 2014, 9:36 am

Tawaki wrote:
I agree with you. That article was heart breaking. Those parents threw an ton of resources at that kid, and short of saying f**k it, and sending him off to a residential center, I'm at a loss on what more they could have done.

Adam got therapy. He was diagnosed at Yale. He did every permutation of schooling. The day my kid puts up garbage bags on his bedroom window, and tells me how to walk is the day I'm speed dialing community mental health. Who puts up with that sh**? Mom enabled Adam alot.

You can have psychosis with depression. Depression distorts your thinking and Autism can make perceiving things even more difficult.

Adam's own dad said Aspergers didn't cause Sandy Hook. So I don't understand how this article makes Autism looks bad. People do cruel unthinkable sh**. Sometimes those people may have Bipolar/depression/Autism beside being first rate monsters.

Welcome to the stigma party. As a person with Bipolar Disorder, I die a little inside when some as*hole, who is also Bipolar goes on a murder/suicide spree.

I'm happy that Nancy Lanza is dead now. My only disappointments are that she didn't die by a thousand cuts, and that she was given a proper burial; but you can't always get what you want, so I guess I'm satisfied with the way things worked out. At least she got to see some physical punishment for her negligence, unlike Ryan, and possibly Peter, though I'm still not sure how responsible he was. Maybe someday I'll take a trip to Newtown just to go piss on her grave. I hope she's in hell thinking about what she's done. Her negligence has contributed to mass discrimination against people on the spectrum, and resulted in the deaths of 26 people; all of which probably didn't deserve to get shot.

As for when someone with Asperger's goes on a shooting rampage, that doesn't really hurt my self-esteem. The way people discriminate against us as a result of it actually makes me feel better about myself, because I'm not one of those bigoted a**holes. I only hate people for personal reasons, I don't hate anyone based on which demographics they involuntarily belong to; and for that, I will always be better than them.


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13 Mar 2014, 1:27 pm

Lydia Brown on the problematic aspects of Peter Lanza's interview: ... n.html?m=1

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14 Mar 2014, 4:15 pm

The single most common denominator in mass murder is that it's predominantly done by cisgender straight white men.

This is rarely mentioned - if at all - because those four categories align to what is treated in Western society as "the default person." Therefore the idea that it is relevant strikes many as absurd.

I am not even saying that correlation means causation here, because I don't have enough information for that. But what I describe above is a significantly stronger correlation than autism or mental illness.


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15 Mar 2014, 5:06 am

Sure it's discussed in the major media at least the race and sex part. You are more correct about the heterosexual part not being discussed. ... story.html ... 50931.html ... ass-murder

Since the USA is mostly white race is probably not as relevant. The fact that most mass shooters are youngish men is talked about in nearly every profile of serial killers/mass shooters. Having no sex life is implied (loner/no social life) but not directly stated. And that people who are not heterosexual have more reason to be sexually frustrated but don't do mass shootings as often is not discussed.

But from what I have seen the fact that most mass shooters and victims are from rural or suburban areas is rarely discussed.

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
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“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman