I don't think it's necessarily the case that there are people who've attained success despite the fact that they have autism, we should all try to aspire to be our best, I doubt that most people who have notoriety thought for sure that they'd ever get famous for any feats they've achieved. But I do understand that the media only puts a limited scope on autism, showcasing only those with some kind of extraordinary ability, and in my opinion, a great way to start is by living our own lives and sharing our stories. We may never be successful to such a degree (though luck could easily change that) but we can spread awareness of autism and how it affects different people in different ways, taking ourselves as examples. Autism is a complex disorder (though I use that word only as a term describing deviation from the neurotypical sense) that create such a diversity in terms of our capabilities and capacities as human beings who can think and love, albeit, in different ways of expression. As unrealistic as it may seem, given the challenges that we face just in our daily lives alone, people with autism can do great things for the world, we can even change it with our unique perspectives.
It's just my view, but success is something that comes when we decide to take initiative and as much control of our lives as possible, so let's not discredit ourselves and our abilities. Alex Plank, Temple Grandin, Darryl Hannah, and others with autism have blessed our world with their skills and ideas, but possibly, any of us really could be next in line to influence the world whilst having an autism spectrum disorder. We should do our best to derail the stereotypes, of course, and if necessary, use even uncomfortable moments as a teaching experience since as the individuals with information, we have the ability to use our self-interests in such a context.
As much as I personally wish that being autistic (as well as being gay or Asian) wouldn't deem me to these stereotypes of who I am and should be, personal and public efforts for awareness of the diversities of such identities is vital if we are to be seen as normal human beings.
Diagnosed with PDD-NOS (and possible Asperger's) on October 30, 2012. Might not be ideal having so many labels (gay and Filipino as well) but I'm at least glad I can accept and embrace it.