neilson_wheels wrote:
Jaden wrote:
CockneyRebel wrote:
It seems as though her father might have abused her.
If so, it could be considered justifiable, but even then, the public will only use this as fuel to further push legislature on those of us on the spectrum. Whether some of us admit it or not, we have no cards, we have no allies, and we will remain targets of the public's version of justice unless we do something about it ourselves.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: "This will not just go away, the public likes their witch hunts and they'll use
every single bad thing that happens against us as a group.
I have not seen any information that there had been child abuse by the father?
Jaden, are you saying that abuse by the father or his murder could be justified?
These cases, the fantasy murder followed by riding off into the sunset, do seem to happen fairly frequently. It is just not surprising that journalist continue to use diagnosis to fuel fires. More papers sold, more web hits, shallow as that.
Sometimes (in certain places where the law applies), an abusee murdering an abuser is considered justifiable homicide, the same would go for someone who (for example) threatened your life in your home.
I'm not saying that abuse was going because I don't know that, I'm just saying that
if that were the case, then the crime under certain laws
could be considered legally justifiable.
Writer. Author.