nuttyengineer wrote:
Yeah, I was very fortunate that I somehow managed to bypass the interview for my current job. Otherwise, I would not have gotten it.
It really bothers me how much emphasis people put on social skills in the workplace. I had a professor who constantly liked to remind us that eye contact was the only way that you were going to succeed at your career. Drove me nuts.
Evan at a place of disabilities such as vocational rehabilitation the "job readiness" training you get is network, make eye contact, always present a positive attitude no matter how you feel etc. I want to be angry at them, but I can't because they are not wrong. I just wish they were not so chirpy about it. Even if it is just to say sometimes in life you got to do what you hate to be able to afford the rent. But I realize that not liking networking or not having positive attitude 100% of the time is beyond their comprehension.
Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity
“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman