But here's the thing: the other people in the forum don't know what you are thinking, only what you wrote.
What you wrote was:
Now, Asperger's and Autism is completely normal, there's nothing wrong with them. But when you go to their main page and read their mission statement they've got on the side there, is reads: "to discover the causes of autism and develop better treatments." That, is just super creepy.
They are thinking something like "why is this guy attacking us for trying to help autism?" "Is he a troll?" "Is he nuts?"
And they are probably asking themselves "What is creepy about discovering the causes of autism and developing better treatments?"
Now you have your own ideas about this, but they only know what they see on the screen. And they are responding to that.
Then they think "Asperger's and Autism is completely normal, there's nothing wrong with them." and they think--this isn't true. There is something that is not normal about them or they wouldn't be an issue. The question of whether there is something "wrong" with this neurological difference is different. You seem to be saying there is no neurological difference and they are reacting badly to that.
The problem is perspective taking. You have to try to understand what is going on the minds of the people you are communicating with in order to communicate clearly and avoid misunderstandings. The only way is to be as clear as possible, not assume things and when the react badly, try to understand why.
Otherwise everything escalates and everybody talks past each other and no communication happens. I know this because I have plenty of experience.
Don't let this get you down. It was mostly misunderstandings.