Jono wrote:
How old are you? You must both at your very least be in your early to mid-twenties then because AS was only recognised officially from 1994 onwards.
I'm 24, she's 27. If I recall correctly, I was one of the first few diagnosed in my area under the official diagnosis. I can ask my mom for more info, she still remembers it like it was yesterday. I was far too young to really remember much, but apparently they had a lot of Hot Wheels in the waiting room from what I'm told.
As far as my fiancee, I believe (and correct me if I'm wrong here sweetie) that her diagnosis was prior to it's inclusion in the DSM and thus not really "official" until four years later, basically confirming at the time what everyone already knew.
EDIT:Small clarification: the answers to the above two questions will be in the first video. Maybe the first video can be more of an introduction then. Food for thought, until I get my new camera in a few days