Very good article and enjoyable read. I personally do not want to be cured of asperger's syndrome and I have never embraced the notion, but since becoming dissentient towards collectivist rights I have now disaffiliated myself from the neurodiversity movement (I no longer believe in "social justice"). I have retrospectively analyzed many of Jonathan's Mitchell's critiques about the social justice movement as-well as some of its staunch adherents on his blog "Autism Gadfly" and I found them quite suspiciously riveting. For instance, he has questioned the diagnosis of the Nobel Prize winning economist Vernon L Smith as he self-diagnosed himself with the ASQ test and not by a professional clinician. More intriguingly, he has criticized Autism Speaks (the anti-Christ institute to neurodivergents and spectrumites) for redistributing grant payments to a cognitive neuroscientist and proponent of neurodiversity named Laurent Mottron between 2005 and 2008, who upholds philosophical foundations completely antithetical to them (very bizarre).
The idea that most AS/HFA individuals don’t want to be cured is all a parable (irrespective of what the WP polls conclusively state) and it should be the individual's right such as Jonathan's to decide whether they want to be cured (once it's discovered in the foreseeable future) - it's their freedom of choice. Neurodiversity may be applicable as a hybrid of cognitive liberty for the talented and gifted, but it’s a neurobiological delineation of multiculturalism when in concomitance with disorders like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, psychotic syndromes, intermittent explosive disorder, selective mutism, dysnomia, OCD, depression, epilepsy and sensory integrative dysfunction. It’s also conspicuous to me from the article's facebook comments that the conspiratorialist crank John Best is at it again who believes that neurodiversity is a big pharma/CIA conspiracy to indoctrinate parents of autistic children by covering up the "fact" that ASD is all just simply "mercury induced brain damage".
Diagnosed with "Classical" Asperger's syndrome in 1998 (Clinical psychologist).
RAADS-R: 237/240
Aspie score: 199 out of 200
Neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 1 out of 200
Alexithymia Questionnaire: 166/185 AQ: 49/50 EQ: 9/80