seems like these days, I have been encountering too many miserable people taking all their own bull out on me. You know the types. The people who are constantly looking to belittle you, act like a victim, show bits of narcissism?
For a year or two, I have dealt with these people trying to mess with my head, look looking for the ultimate way to shut them down without violence. It's in my nature to want to find a form of revenge for those who seek to drag me towards their own personal hell. Then, it hit me one day that revenge isn't even necessary.
People who do this either tend to screw their own life up or blame it all on people around them. Because of this, they will never ever feel better or happy about anything till they let go of the need to control everyone but themselves. Stay humble, positive, and keep them out of the way, if they don't want to be better people.
Revenge is already being served through karma.
I'm not strange. I'm just drawn that way. That being said, work on your drawing skills already!