ABA "therapists" continuously push and publicise the myth that "nothing like that happens any more". I have seen them do it on WP also. That claim is as spurious as their "evidence based" claims (which completely ignore the actual quality of their preferred kind of evidence) - its flaws, circularity, reductionist methodology - and they also turn a completely blind eye to the meta analyses that expose the so-called evidence based claims as misleading and self serving.
ABA "professionals" are sales people, and the "evidence-based" claim is one of their advertising slogans. Unfortunately, because they have had extensive political and financial back-up from Autism Speaks, these salespeople have spun their myths so relentlessly that the truth has been obscured by their touting, and a lot of people have been sucked in, including some USA politicians who have led the push for state legislation to suit the Autism Speaks/ABA agendas.